首页> 外文期刊>Turkish journal of zoology >Effects of Cadmium Compounds (Cadmium Para Hydroxybenzoate and Cadmium Chloride) on the Liver of Mature Mice

Effects of Cadmium Compounds (Cadmium Para Hydroxybenzoate and Cadmium Chloride) on the Liver of Mature Mice


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In this study, 4 experimental groups and 1 control group containing adult mice (Mus musculus var. albinos) were used to examine the effects of 2 different cadmium compounds, namely cadmium para hydroxybenzoate, which was newly synthesized, and cadmium chloride on the liver of mice. In various test concentrations, both cadmium compounds were intraperitoneally injected into adult mice every day for 15 days. With standard histological techniques samples were obtained from the livers of the mice. Slides were prepared and examined with light microscopy (Nikon Eclipse E600) and histopathological structures were observed.
机译:在这项研究中,使用4个实验组和1个对照组的成年小鼠(Mus musculus var。albinos)来研究2种不同的镉化合物,即新合成的对羟基苯甲酸镉和氯化镉对小鼠肝脏的影响。老鼠。在各种测试浓度下,每天将两种镉化合物腹膜内注射到成年小鼠中,持续15天。使用标准的组织学技术,从小鼠肝脏中获取样品。制备载玻片并用光学显微镜(Nikon Eclipse E600)检查,并观察组织病理学结构。



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