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Illness and injury to travellers on a premium seniors' tour to Indochina.


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BACKGROUND: Commercial expeditions and upmarket tours provide an opportunity for travellers to undertake various specialised travel to more adventurous and extreme destinations often in the relative security of accompanying medical cover provided by an expedition physician. There is limited knowledge of the nature of illnesses and injuries occurring on premium seniors' tours to Asia. This present study was designed to investigate the prevalence of injury and illness suffered by travellers on a premium tour to Indochina. METHODS: In 2004, the tour expedition physician (MTMS) diagnosed and recorded all illnesses and injuries amongst 23 travellers on a premium seniors' tour to Viet Nam and Cambodia. Information recorded included age, sex, number of days into the tour, the nature of the presenting illness, the assessment of the condition and the treatment employed during the field phase of 14 days. Travel was by air, train and coach, for a total period of 18 days. RESULTS: Nineteen (82%) travellers sought medical advice at least once for a total of 35 consultations. Females presented on 66% of occasions. The mean age of the travellers was 62 years (SD=13) with males being significantly older (p=0.002). Primary illnesses diagnosed related to the following systems: gastrointestinal 29%, respiratory 14%, dermatological 14%, cardiovascular 14%, musculoskeletal 9%, central nervous system 6%, earose/throat 6%, dental 6%, and other problems on 3% of occasions. Of the gastrointestinal problems, diarrhoea was the commonest complaint on 17% of occasions, occurring at any stage throughout the journey. There was a mean of 2.5 presentations per day of the field phase of the tour. Presentations were highest on day 12. More than one third of presentations (37%) were handled conservatively without any further need for therapy, 17% requiring dressings, and 46% requiring specific medications. The commonest medications used were: lozenges/gargles (31%), antiemetic (25%), anti-diarrhoeal or other medications (13%). There were six accidents during the journey resulting in minor soft tissue injuries. There were no deaths or other major accidents requiring emergency evacuation or hospitalisation. CONCLUSIONS: On this premium seniors' tour, the health problems encountered were largely similar to those reported for other specialised tours, including premium expeditions. The most common medical problems included gastrointestinal, respiratory, dermatological, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal conditions in descending order. One aspect requiring further study is the psychological adjustments made by travellers on group tours and expeditions. As well as being part of the service provided to travellers, the inclusion of an expedition physician on this premium seniors' tour increased the independence of the travel group on this journey.
机译:背景技术:商业探险和高档旅行为旅行者提供了机会,使他们经常在探险医生提供的附带医疗保险的相对安全性下,进行更多的专业旅行,前往更加冒险和极端的目的地。对于高级老年人前往亚洲旅行时所发生的疾病和伤害的性质知之甚少。本研究旨在调查在前往印度支那的高级旅行中旅行者遭受的伤害和疾病的患病率。方法:2004年,远征队医师(MTMS)在前往越南和柬埔寨的高级老年人旅行中,诊断并记录了23名旅客中的所有疾病和伤害。记录的信息包括年龄,性别,游览天数,所患疾病的性质,病情评估以及在野外14天进行的治疗。乘飞机,火车和长途汽车旅行共计18天。结果:总共35次咨询中,有19名(82%)旅客至少寻求了一次医疗建议。女性出席率达66%。旅客的平均年龄为62岁(SD = 13),其中男性年龄较大(p = 0.002)。诊断出的原发疾病与以下系统有关:胃肠道29%,呼吸道14%,皮肤科14%,心血管14%,肌肉骨骼9%,中枢神经系统6%,耳/鼻/喉咙6%,牙齿6%,以及其他问题在3%的情况下。在胃肠道问题中,腹泻是整个旅程中任何阶段发生的17%的最常见不适。巡回实地阶段每天平均有2.5场演讲。在第12天的就诊次数最高。超过三分之一的就诊情况(37%)不需要任何进一步的治疗就可以保守地进行,有17%的患者需要敷料,有46%的患者需要特殊药物。使用的最常见药物是:锭剂/含漱剂(31%),止吐药(25%),止泻药或其他药物(13%)。旅途中发生了六起事故,造成轻度软组织伤害。没有死亡或其他重大事故需要紧急疏散或住院。结论:在这次高级老年人旅游中,遇到的健康问题与其他专门旅游中所报告的健康问题基本相似,包括高级探险。最常见的医学问题包括胃肠道,呼吸道,皮肤病学,心血管疾病和肌肉骨骼疾病的降序排列。需要进一步研究的一个方面是旅行者在团体旅游和探险中进行的心理调整。作为向旅行者提供的服务的一部分,在该高级老年人旅游中包括一名远征医生,提高了旅行团队在此旅程中的独立性。



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