首页> 外文期刊>Transfusion: The Journal of the American Association of Blood Banks >Red blood cells intended for transfusion: quality criteria revisited.

Red blood cells intended for transfusion: quality criteria revisited.


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Great variation exists with respect to viability and function of fresh and stored red blood cells (RBCs) as well as of the contents of RBC hemoglobin (Hb) in individual units. Improved technology is available for the preparation as well as the storage of RBCs. The authors raise the question whether it may be time to revise current standards for RBC units. The establishment of a standard unit of blood based on Hb content should be a high-priority goal. It is recommended that a standard RBC unit should contain 50 g of Hb. Major organizations concerned with the collection and distribution of blood components should agree on the criteria for a standard unit of RBCs based on Hb content and for the collection of double units. Manufacturers of blood collection equipment should provide suitable technology for collecting a standard unit with defined contents of RBC Hb. Efforts should be directed at the design of storage solutions acceptable for transfusion that maximize the maintenance of both RBC viability andfunction during storage. The ideal storage protocol would require sterile, high-pH solutions containing both glucose and electrolytes.
机译:在新鲜和储存的红细胞(RBC)的活力和功能以及单个单元中RBC血红蛋白(Hb)的含量方面,存在很大差异。改进的技术可用于RBC的制备和存储。作者提出了一个问题,即是否该是修订RBC单位当前标准的时候了。建立基于Hb含量的血液标准单位应该是一个高度优先的目标。建议标准RBC单元应包含50 g Hb。涉及血液成分收集和分配的主要组织应就基于Hb含量的红细胞标准单位和双重单位的收集标准达成一致。血液采集设备的制造商应提供合适的技术,以采集具有规定含量的RBC Hb的标准单元。应努力设计可用于输血的贮藏溶液的设计,以最大程度地维持贮藏期间RBC的活力和功能。理想的存储方案需要无菌的,含有葡萄糖和电解质的高pH溶液。



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