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Appropriateness of blood product transfusion in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) department of a tertiary hospital in West Africa


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SUMMARY: Background: Misuse of blood by clinicians was suggested to explain blood shortage in sub-Saharan Africa although based on little evidence. This study evaluated whether routine halving (restricted) of blood requests was justified. Study design and methods: On alternated days for 3months in 2011-2012, restricted or full blood product supply [whole blood (WB), red cell concentrate (RCC)] was provided to the Obstetrics & Gynaecology department (O&G). Patient age, haemoglobin (Hb) level pre- and post-transfusion, clinical condition, blood products request and supply, transfused and returned, clinical outcome were collated. Results: Five hundred and nineteen patients (249 restricted and 270 full supply) received 1001 blood products (94·6% WB, 6·4% RCC). Clinical conditions were severe peri-partum bleeding (72·4%) requiring emergency transfusion (82%) whilst 27·6% of total transfusion was for anaemia, 18% being moderate (8-10gdL-1). Pre-transfusion Hb level was 6gdL-1 in 36·7%, 6-8gdL-1 29·1% and ≥8gdL-1 in 33·2% of cases. Fifty-five percent of the transfused blood was stored ≤1week. Restricted supply triggered additional request (40%) compared to 10% in full supply mode. Whether with restricted or full supply, blood requests, supply and units transfused/patient were similar (restricted 2·3 and 2·1unitpatient-1 and full 2·9 and 2·3unitpatient-1, respectively). Fatal clinical outcome was 3·1% evenly distributed between supply modes and transfusion reactions 0·8%. Conclusions: O&G clinicians order blood according to clinical need and transfuse 85% of the products supplied. Product supply did not significantly affect use although appropriateness of transfusion was difficult to assess.
机译:摘要:背景:尽管很少依据,但有人建议临床医生滥用血液来解释撒哈拉以南非洲的血液短缺。这项研究评估了将常规血液需求减半(限制)是否合理。研究设计和方法:在2011-2012年的3天内,每天轮流向妇产科(O&G)提供受限或全血产品[全血(WB),红细胞浓缩液(RCC)]。整理患者年龄,输血前后血红蛋白(Hb)水平,临床状况,血液产品供求,输血和返血,临床结局。结果:519名患者(249名受限者和270名充分供血者)接受了1001血液制品(94·6%WB,6·4%RCC)。临床情况为严重的围产期出血(72·4%),需要紧急输血(82%),而总输血的27·6%是贫血,其中18%为中度(8-10gdL-1)。输血前Hb水平在36·7%的患者中<6gdL-1,在33·2%的患者中为6-8gdL-1 29·1%,≥8gdL-1。百分之五十五的输血被保存≤1周。受限供应触发了额外的请求(40%),相比之下,完全供应模式为10%。无论是供血受限还是全部供血,输血/供血/单位的患者血液需求量,供血量和单位都是相似的(分别限制为2·3和2·1单位患者-1和完全2·9和2·3单位患者-1)。致命的临床结果为3·1%,在供血方式与输血反应之间平均分布为0·8%。结论:O&G临床医生根据临床需要订购血液并输注所提供产品的85%。尽管很难评估输血的适当性,但产品供应并未对使用产生重大影响。



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