首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Fish and Blue Crab Density along a Riprap-Sill-Hardened Shoreline: Comparisons with Spartina Marsh and Riprap

Fish and Blue Crab Density along a Riprap-Sill-Hardened Shoreline: Comparisons with Spartina Marsh and Riprap

机译:Riprap-Sill-Hardened海岸线沿线的鱼类和青蟹密度:与Spartina Marsh和Riprap的比较

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Wetland managers have historically considered riprap-sill structures (a type of "living shoreline" consisting of a rock sill that is placed low in the intertidal zone, with native vegetation planted between the sill and the shore) to be more ecologically sound than the riprap that is traditionally applied for shoreline stabilization in estuaries. However, little research has been conducted to compare the macrofauna associated with riprap-sill and riprap-hardened shorelines. Density and diversity of fish and blue crabs Callinectes sapidus were compared via weekly sampling along a riprap-sill shoreline, a riprap shoreline, and a shoreline fringed with smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora marsh in the Delaware Coastal Bays during summer 2010. Seining was conducted to quantitatively sample the shore zone and shallow subtidal regions, and minnow traps were used to determine the presence or absence of fishes in the mid-to upper-intertidal zone of each shoreline type. Temporally persistent differences in macrofaunal density and diversity were evident among the three shoreline types. In terms of fish density and diversity metrics, riprap-sill was more similar to the smooth cordgrass shoreline than to the traditional riprap shoreline. These results provide evidence for the biological advantage of riprap-sill over traditional riprap as a shoreline modification structure; spatial confirmation by further studies at different locations is warranted.
机译:湿地管理者从历史上就认为翻石门槛结构(一种“生活海岸线”,由一个位于潮间带较低处的岩石窗台组成,在门槛和海岸之间种植了原生植被)比翻石门更生态传统上用于河口海岸线稳定。但是,很少进行研究来比较与基石和基石硬化的海岸线有关的大型动物。鱼和蓝蟹的密度和多样性通过2010年夏季在特拉华沿海海湾沿雷帕尔基尔海岸线,雷帕尔普海岸线和边缘有光滑绳草互花米草沼泽的流苏的海岸线进行采样,比较了沙棘Call(Callinectes sapidus)。对沿岸带和浅潮下带区域进行采样,并使用min鱼陷阱确定每种海岸线类型的中潮间至上潮间带中是否存在鱼类。在三种海岸线类型之间,大型动物的密度和多样性暂时存在差异。就鱼类密度和多样性指标而言,沙石基石更类似于光滑的草草海岸线,而不是传统的沙石基海岸线。这些结果提供了riprap-sill作为海岸线改良结构优于传统riprap的生物学优势的证据。通过进一步研究在不同位置进行空间确认是必要的。



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