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Progress in gene environment studies


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After a wave of candidate gene studies claiming positive associations with psychiatric disorders, a period of disappointing negative findings and meta-analysis followed (1). This led to fierce debate as to how the field as a whole could have condoned the publication of so many false-positive findings. Genome-wide studies were subsequently favored because these unbiased approaches were expected to have a higher probability of producing true-positive, replicable results. Because of the need for extremely large studies, the genome-wide studies have led to unprecedented global collaborations that have yielded true progress, identifying several genes and pathways that can illuminate the etiology of psychiatric disorders. However, the identified genes explain only a very limited proportion of disease risk (2), a finding that has fueled several new developments, of which closer studies of gene-environment interactions are among the most promising. This growing field is reflected in a strong increase of publications in PubMed with search terms 'gene AND environment AND psychiatry' since 2004 (Figure 1); the number of publications in 2012 exceeds that of 2011 with one more trimester to go.
机译:经过一系列候选基因研究声称与精神疾病呈正相关,随后出现了令人失望的阴性结果和荟萃分析(1)。这引发了关于整个领域如何宽容许多假阳性发现发表的激烈辩论。随后,全基因组研究受到青睐,因为这些无偏见的方法有望产生真实阳性,可复制结果的可能性更高。由于需要进行超大型研究,因此,全基因组研究已导致前所未有的全球合作,这些合作已取得了真正的进展,确定了可以阐明精神病病因的几种基因和途径。但是,已鉴定的基因只能解释非常有限的疾病风险比例(2),这一发现推动了一些新的发展,其中最有前途的对基因与环境相互作用的研究是最有希望的。自2004年以来,PubMed中以“基因与环境与精神病学”为搜索词的出版物大量增加,反映了这一领域的增长(图1); 2012年的出版物数量超过2011年,还有三个月的时间。



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