首页> 外文期刊>Toxicology: An International Journal Concerned with the Effects of Chemicals on Living Systems >Non-clinical safety and pharmacokinetic evaluations of propylene glycol aerosol in Sprague-Dawley rats and Beagle dogs.

Non-clinical safety and pharmacokinetic evaluations of propylene glycol aerosol in Sprague-Dawley rats and Beagle dogs.


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Aerosolized propylene glycol (PG) was generated as log-normally distributed particulate clouds in different concentrations using a novel capillary aerosol generator (CAG) and evaluated in a battery of non-clinical studies intended to assess its potential inhalation and systemic toxicity in 2 species before ICH-compliant "first-time-in-man" studies. Exposures were nose-only in rats, and via face mask with oropharyngeal tube in dogs. The CAG-generated PG aerosol had a mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of 2.29mum, with a 1.56 geometric standard deviation (GSD) in the rat studies, and a MMAD of 1.34mum (1.45 GSD) in the dog studies, consistent with expected particle size exposures in man. International Congress on Harmonization (ICH) Guidelines were followed, which recommend preliminary non-clinical safety studies using the vehicle and device (CAG-PG) prior to the first human exposure including safety pharmacology, pharmacokinetic (PK) studies, single dose toxicity studies, and repeated dose toxicity studies in two species. In the rat, the only biologically relevant findings included clinical signs of ocular and nasal irritation indicated by minor bleeding around the eyes and nose, and minimal laryngeal squamous metaplasia. This finding is commonly observed in inhalation studies in the rat, and likely related to the unique sensitivity of the tissue, as well as the circuitous airflow pathway through the larynx which increases particle deposition. In the female Beagle dog, treatment-related decreases in hemoglobin, red blood cells and hematocrit were observed in the two highest exposure groups, equivalent to approximately 18 and 60mg/kg/day. In male dogs from the high dose group, similar small decreases, albeit, non-statistically significant decreases were observed in these hematological markers as well. PK studies in rats and dogs showed that the absorption of PG following pulmonary inhalation exposure occurs rapidly, and equilibrium between lung tissue and plasma is achieved quickly. With daily inhalations of PG aerosols, there is evidence of minor tissue accumulation of PG in each species. Inhalation exposure to CAG-generated PG aerosols achieved PG concentrations in the systemic circulation that were similar to those attained via the oral route. Systemic elimination of PG appears to be saturable, presumably via hepatic metabolism. PG elimination in the high dose groups for both species showed terminal plasma and lung concentration-time profiles suggesting a zero-order elimination process. There was no apparent tissue toxicity of the lung, liver and kidney in these studies. Under the conditions of these studies, the NOEL for the rat was determined to be 20mg/kg/day for the 28-day study. In the Beagle dog, the NOEL was approximately 6.05mg/kg/day for the 28-day study. Overall, these studies allowed us to conclude that PG aerosol generated with the capillary aerosol generator could be administered safely in man, with an adequate margin of safety needed to conduct "first-time-in-man" human exposure studies.
机译:使用新型毛细管气雾发生器(CAG),以不同浓度对数正态分布的颗粒云形式生成气雾化丙二醇(PG),并在一系列非临床研究中进行了评估,旨在评估其在2种物种中的潜在吸入和全身毒性符合ICH的“首次接触”研究。在大鼠中仅通过鼻子暴露,在狗中通过口咽管通过口罩暴露。 CAG产生的PG气溶胶的质量中位数空气动力学直径(MMAD)为2.29mum,在大鼠研究中为1.56几何标准偏差(GSD),在犬类研究中为1.34mum(1.45 GSD),与人体预期的粒径暴露。遵循了国际协调大会(ICH)指南,该指南建议在首次人类接触之前使用车辆和设备(CAG-PG)进行初步的非临床安全性研究,包括安全药理学,药代动力学(PK)研究,单剂量毒性研究,并在两个物种中进行了重复剂量毒性研究。在大鼠中,唯一与生物学相关的发现包括眼和鼻周围轻微出血和轻微的喉鳞状上皮化生所指示的眼和鼻刺激的临床体征。该发现通常在大鼠的吸入研究中观察到,并且可能与组织的独特敏感性以及通过喉部的which回气流路径(增加颗粒沉积)有关。在雌性比格犬中,在两个最高暴露组中观察到与治疗有关的血红蛋白,红细胞和血细胞比容降低,相当于约18和60mg / kg /天。在高剂量组的雄性狗中,尽管在这些血液学指标中也观察到了类似的小幅下降,尽管没有统计学上的显着下降。在大鼠和狗中的PK研究表明,肺部吸入暴露后PG的吸收迅速发生,并且肺组织和血浆之间的平衡迅速达到。通过每天吸入PG气雾剂,有证据表明每种物种中PG的组织积累都很轻微。吸入暴露于CAG生成的PG气雾剂后,体内循环中的PG浓度与通过口服途径获得的浓度相似。 PG的系统性消除似乎是可饱和的,大概是通过肝代谢。两种物种在高剂量组中的PG消除均显示终末血浆和肺部浓度-时间曲线,表明了零级消除过程。在这些研究中,肺,肝和肾没有明显的组织毒性。在这些研究的条件下,在28天的研究中,将大鼠的NOEL确定为20mg / kg /天。在28天的研究中,Beagle犬的NOEL约为6.05mg / kg /天。总体而言,这些研究使我们得出结论,由毛细管气雾剂发生器产生的PG气雾剂可以安全地在人体内使用,并具有进行“首次接触”人体暴露研究所需的足够安全性。



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