
The Rheology Handbook


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The first computer-controlled rheometers began to be used in industrial laboratories in the mid-1980's. Since then, test methods and control and analysis options have developed and improved rapidly. To organise and clarify the ever-growing mountain of information, Anton Paar Germany, and previously, Physico Messtechnik, have offered basic seminars on rheology. During the 'European Coatings Show' in Nuremberg in April 1999, the organiser and publishing director, Dr Lother Vincentz, suggested expanding these notes into a comprehensive book on applied rheology. The first two editions, published in 2002 and 2006, sold out rapidly. A significant number of recent developments have been incorporated into this 3rd, revised, edition. The author acknowledges the help he has received from some 25 rheology experts in enlarging and improving this book. The excellent translation of the original German text into English was done by Sarah Knights.
机译:1980年代中期,第一台计算机控制的流变仪开始在工业实验室中使用。从那时起,测试方法以及控制和分析选项得到了迅速发展和改进。为了组织和阐明不断增长的信息,德国的安东帕(Anton Paar)和以前的物理物理学技术(Physico Messtechnik)提供了有关流变学的基本研讨会。在1999年4月于纽伦堡举行的“欧洲涂料展”上,组织者和出版总监Lother Vincentz博士建议将这些说明扩展为一本有关应用流变学的综合书籍。前两个版本分别于2002年和2006年出版,销售一空。在第三版(修订版)中已经纳入了大量的最新进展。作者感谢他从大约25位流变专家那里获得的帮助,以扩大和改进本书。莎拉·奈特斯(Sarah Knights)将原始德语文本很好地翻译成英文。



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