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Notes from the PRESIDENT


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We recently held the 113th Council meeting in Melbourne and I would like to summarise some of the key aspects coming out of that meeting. This meeting was the one originally scheduled for November 2014 but cancelled due to lack of a quorum. 1. Work continues on the revision of the Constitution and Rules document. At SCAA 112, it was agreed that the President-elect and I should make a presentation on the topic, initially to QLD Section, to explain in more detail the "Whats and Whys" behind this initiative. The logical time seemed to be at the QLD Section Annual Section Meeting on March 18. However, the QLD Delegate advised us that the date was being considered for a change. Steve Owen, our IT Coordinator suggested that, following the successful trial of the webinar at the last conference, perhaps we could run a webinar on the C&R which would allow national contribution and real time questioning. We will further investigate this option as it would also save a lot of money in airfares and accommodation. 2. The concept of corporate membership was raised again as an important initiative to strengthen membership. Although this would not be permitted under the current Objects, Constitution & Rules, allowing companies to 'register' as corporate supporters, would be permissible. This will also be further explored.
机译:我们最近在墨尔本举行了第113届理事会会议,我想总结一下这次会议的一些关键方面。该会议原定于2014年11月召开,但由于没有达到法定人数而被取消。 1.继续进行《章程和细则》文件的修订工作。在SCAA 112会议上,我同意当选总统和我应首先在昆士兰州昆士兰州科上就该主题作专题介绍,以更详细地解释该倡议背后的“是什么和为什么”。合理的时间似乎是在3月18日举行的QLD部门年度部门会议上。但是,QLD代表告诉我们,正在考虑更改日期。我们的IT协调员史蒂夫·欧文(Steve Owen)建议,在上届会议成功试用网络研讨会之后,也许我们可以在C&R上运行网络研讨会,这将允许国家做出贡献并进行实时询问。我们将进一步研究此选项,因为它还可以节省机票和住宿的大量费用。 2.再次提出了企业会员制的概念,作为加强会员制的一项重要举措。尽管根据当前的《目标,组织和规则》不允许这样做,但允许公司“注册”为公司支持者是允许的。这也将进一步探讨。



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