首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Physics: A Journal Devoted to Experimental and Theoretical Research Involving Problems of Both a Chemical and Physical Nature >Dynamic heat capacity and reaction enthalpy during the two-stage network growth in diepoxide-diamine compositions

Dynamic heat capacity and reaction enthalpy during the two-stage network growth in diepoxide-diamine compositions


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The real and imaginary components of the dynamic heat capacity, C'_p and C"_p, respectively, have been measured for a fixed frequency of 5 mHz during the polymerization of various compositions of a diepoxide-diamine, molecular liquid mixture to a network structure. The heat evolved during the polymerization was measured simultaneously. C'_p decreased in two steps as the covalent bonds formed and the network structure grew. The steps became more separated when the amount of the already excess diespoxide was further increased. C"_p showed a peak in its plot against the polymerization time, but only in the region where C'_p showed a second step. This is attributed to the increase in the relaxation time leading to vitrification of the liquid. For the diepoxide-rich compositions, the enthalpy release also occurred in two steps and it was more for the second stage of the network's growth than for the first. Combined measurements of the exothermic effects and C'_p and C"_p thus delineated two stages of the network's growth by two chemical reactions. The nature of the second-stage network growth that ultimately vitrifies the stoichiometric liquid mixture is discussed. It is concluded that the second-stage growth is mass-controlled and occurs by an etherification reaction whose thermodynamic consequences have been elusive in past studies.
机译:在将各种组成的二环氧-二胺,分子液体混合物聚合成网络结构期间,已针对5 mHz的固定频率分别测量了动态热容的实部和虚部C'_p和C“ _p 。同时测量聚合过程中放出的热量。随着共价键的形成和网络结构的增长,C'_p分两步降低。当已经过量的二环氧化物的量进一步增加时,步骤变得更加分离。在其相对于聚合时间的曲线图中出现一个峰值,但仅在C'_p显示第二步的区域中。这归因于导致液体玻璃化的弛豫时间的增加。对于富含二环氧化合物的组合物,焓的释放也分两个步骤进行,网络增长的第二阶段比第一阶段更多。放热效应和C'_p和C“ _p的联合测量因此通过两个化学反应描绘了网络生长的两个阶段。讨论了最终使化学计量液体混合物玻璃化的第二阶段网络生长的性质。结论是,第二阶段的生长受质量控制,并通过醚化反应发生,其热力学后果在过去的研究中难以捉摸。



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