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Preparation of PZT thin films on YBCO electrodes by KrF excimer laser ablation technique


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Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O-3 (PZT) films have excellent ferroelectric, optical, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric properties. We prepared PZT thin films by the excimer laser ablation technique. A pulsed KrF excimer laser (Lambda Physik LPX305icc, pulse duration of 25 ns, lambda = 248 nm, 850 mJ Max.) was used to ablate the bulk targets. We investigated the influence of bottom electrode materials on the characteristics of the PZT thin films prepared on Pt and YBCO underlayers. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that the PZT films prepared with a laser fluence of 2 J cm(-2) on YBCO/MgO(100) substrate at a wide temperature range of 550-680 degrees C have a perovskite (001) structure. At the same laser fluence, the PZT films prepared on Pt/MgO(100) substrate have a perovskite (001) structure only at 650 degrees C. The polarization-electric field (P-E) characteristics and fatigue properties of PZT thin films were measured by the Sawyer-Tower circuit, The remnant polarization and coercive field have been found to be P-r = 15 mu C cm(-2) 30 mu C cm(-2) and E-c=200 kV cm(-1), 100 kV cm(-1) for Au/PZT/Pt/MgO and Au/PZT/YBCO/MgO correspondingly. The remnant polarization of Au/PZT/YBCO/MgO thin film was reduced to one-half after about 10(8) cycles of switching. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. [References: 7]
机译:Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O-3(PZT)膜具有出色的铁电,光学,压电和热电特性。我们通过准分子激光烧蚀技术制备了PZT薄膜。使用脉冲KrF准分子激光(Lambda Physik LPX305icc,脉冲持续时间为25 ns,λ= 248 nm,最大850 mJ)消融体靶。我们研究了底部电极材料对在Pt和YBCO底层上制备的PZT薄膜的特性的影响。 X射线衍射(XRD)图谱显示在550-680摄氏度的宽温度范围内在YBCO / MgO(100)基板上以2 J cm(-2)的激光通量制备的PZT膜具有钙钛矿( 001)结构。在相同的激光注量下,在Pt / MgO(100)衬底上制备的PZT膜仅在650摄氏度时具有钙钛矿(001)结构。通过以下方法测量PZT薄膜的极化电场(PE)特性和疲劳性能在Sawyer-Tower电路中,发现剩余极化和矫顽场为Pr = 15μC cm(-2)30μC cm(-2)和Ec = 200 kV cm(-1),100 kV cm( -1)分别对应Au / PZT / Pt / MgO和Au / PZT / YBCO / MgO。在切换大约10(8)个周期后,Au / PZT / YBCO / MgO薄膜的剩余极化强度减小到一半。 (C)1998 Elsevier Science S.A. [参考:7]



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