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Radio-frequency heating of alfalfa seed for reducing human pathogens


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The problem of bacterial contamination of vegetable seed sprouts produced for human consumption is reviewed briefly. The potential for controlling human bacterial pathogens on alfalfa seed used in the production of sprouts by dielectric heating was studied by experimental exposure of alfalfa seed artificially contaminated with Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes to radio-frequency (RF) dielectric heating treatments at 39 MHz and different electric field intensities for varying times of exposure. Moisture content of alfalfa seed and final temperatures produced by the RF exposures were determined, and control and treated seed samples were analyzed in the laboratory for reduction of bacterial populations and effects on seed germination. Significant reductions in populations of all three pathogens were achieved without reductions in seed germination. However exposures that provided substantial reductions in pathogen levels were not achieved without significant damage to seed germination. Treatments providing moderate reductions in bacterial pathogen populations also increased alfalfa seed germination through reductions in hard seed percentages, so the combined benefits need to be considered in evaluating dielectric heating treatments for practical use.
机译:简要回顾了供人类食用的蔬菜种子新芽的细菌污染问题。通过将人工沙门氏菌,大肠杆菌O157:H7和单核细胞增生李斯特菌污染的苜蓿种子暴露于射频(RF)介电加热中,研究了通过介电加热控制苜蓿种子上人类细菌病原体的潜力在39 MHz和不同的电场强度下进行不同的曝光时间处理。测定苜蓿种子的水分含量和RF暴露产生的最终温度,并在实验室中分析对照种子和处理过的种子样品,以减少细菌种群和对种子发芽的影响。在没有减少种子发芽的情况下,所有三种病原体的种群均显着减少。然而,如果不对种子发芽造成重大损害,就无法实现能够显着降低病原体水平的暴露。通过降低硬种子百分比,可适当减少细菌病原体种群的处理也增加了苜蓿种子的发芽率,因此在评估实际使用的介电加热处理时需要考虑综合效益。



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