首页> 外文期刊>Toxicological sciences: An official journal of the Society of Toxicology >Consequences of xenoestrogen exposure on male reproductive function in spottail shiners (Notropis hudsonius).

Consequences of xenoestrogen exposure on male reproductive function in spottail shiners (Notropis hudsonius).

机译:异种雌激素暴露对点尾光泽(Notropis hudsonius)雄性生殖功能的影响。

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There is limited information on the physiological consequences associated with exposure to xenoestrogens under field conditions. The objectives of this study were to determine the presence of estrogenic chemicals in the St. Lawrence River and their effects on male reproduction in the spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius). Hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) mRNA levels in immature shiners indicate extensive estrogenic contamination spanning almost 50 km both upstream and downstream from the island of Montreal. Stages of spermatogenesis were assessed in fish captured at sites having varying levels of estrogenic contamination. In control fish, 95% had testis of either stage IV (50%) or stage V (45%) of spermatogenesis. At Ile Dorval, where VTG mRNA levels are moderate, fish had testes of stage III (38%) and IV (45%) and only 15% of fish were at spermatogenic stage V. In contrast, at Ilet Vert and Ile Beauregard, located in the sewage effluent plume from the City of Montreal and where hepatic VTG mRNA levels are high in fish, none of the fish were at stage V and 8% of fish at Ilet Vert were at stage II of development. Sperm concentration and various motility parameters were significantly lower in shiners from Ilet Vert as compared with those from Iles de la Paix (reference). Histological analyses of testes revealed that more than one-third of the fish captured at sites with the highest estrogenic contamination displayed intersex, a condition in which ovarian follicles were developing within the testis. These data indicate that there is significant estrogenic contamination in the St. Lawrence River that is associated with impaired reproductive function in male fish.
机译:关于在田间条件下接触异雌激素相关的生理后果的信息有限。这项研究的目的是确定圣劳伦斯河中雌激素化学物质的存在及其对点尾光斑中雄性繁殖的影响(Notropis hudsonius)。未成熟的肝脏中的肝卵黄蛋白原(VTG)mRNA水平表明,广泛的雌激素污染涵盖了蒙特利尔岛上游和下游近50公里。在雌激素污染水平不同的地方捕获的鱼中评估了精子发生的阶段。在对照鱼中,有95%的睾丸具有精子发生的IV期(50%)或V期(45%)。在VTG mRNA水平处于中等水平的Ile Dorval,鱼类的睾丸处于III期(38%)和IV期(45%),只有15%的鱼类处于生精阶段V。相反,在Ilet Vert和Ile Beauregard,在蒙特利尔市的污水排放羽流中,鱼类的肝VTG mRNA水平很高,没有一个鱼处于V期,而Ilet Vert的鱼则处于发育的II期。与Iles de la Paix(参考文献)相比,Ilet Vert的光辉剂的精子浓度和各种运动参数显着降低。睾丸的组织学分析表明,在雌激素污染最高的地点捕获的鱼中,有超过三分之一的鱼表现为两性,这是睾丸内卵泡发育的状态。这些数据表明,圣劳伦斯河存在大量雌激素污染,与雄鱼的生殖功能受损有关。



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