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Investigation of the distribution of Mycoplasma suis in Germany by real-time PCR.


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The aim of the present study was the evaluation of the prevalence of Mycoplasma suis in Germany. As the porcine Eperythrozoonosis is most commonly a latent chronic infection, a high sensitive assay is required to establish the incidence of Mycoplasma suis in Germany. Due to its high sensitivity and specificity, the real-time PCR was chosen for this study. In the present study, the prevalence of M. suis in Germany was measured by using the Light CyclerReg. System. 1176 blood samples of slaughtered post-weaning pigs from 196 different pig herds were collected. In addition to PCR analysis a haemogram was made and clinicochemical parameters were determined. Moreover an acridine orange-stained blood smear was analysed from each sample. Real-time PCR showed a positive result for 164 out of 1176 samples (13.9%). With the acridine stain only 35 pigs were identified as infected with M. suis (3.0%). 31 of these samples were also positive in the real-time PCR. In the present study microscopic examination on stained blood smears only detected M. suis infections with a bacterial load of at least 105 per ml blood. 80 (40.8%) out of 196 pig herds were detected positive for M. suis by real-time PCR. The number of M. suis infected herds in the different districts of Germany varied from 33.3% to 48%. The prevalence within one herd varried from 25% to 46.2% and showed an average value of 34.2%. A significant correlation between the bacterial load per ml blood and the degree of severity of anemia was shown. A decrease of the number of erythrocytes, haemoglobin concentration and hematocrit was observed when the bacterial load increases. By comparing real-time PCR and microscopic examination of acridine orange-stained blood smears it was shown that the real-time PCR system is able to detect even latent M. suis infections that are missed out in the microscopic examination. Furthermore immature erythrocytes and Howell-Jolly-bodies may lead to false positive results. The LightCyclerReg. MSG1 protocol has proven to be a high sensitive and easy-doing system that allows the integration in routine laboratories.
机译:本研究的目的是评估德国猪支原体的患病率。由于猪红细胞增多症是最常见的潜伏性慢性感染,因此需要高灵敏度的检测方法才能确定德国猪支原体的发病率。由于其高灵敏度和特异性,本研究选择了实时PCR。在本研究中,通过使用Light CyclerReg来测量德国猪毛支原体的患病率。系统。收集了来自196个不同猪群的1176头断奶后断奶猪的血样。除了PCR分析外,还制作了血流图并确定了临床化学参数。此外,从每个样品分析analyzed啶橙染色的血液涂片。实时PCR显示1176个样本中的164个(13.9%)呈阳性结果。通过the啶染色,仅鉴定出35只猪被猪链球菌感染(3.0%)。这些样品中有31个在实时PCR中也呈阳性。在本研究中,对染色血涂片的显微镜检查仅检测到猪支原体感染,每毫升血液中细菌载量至少为105。通过实时PCR检测到196头猪中有80头(40.8%)猪猪支原体呈阳性。在德国不同地区,猪链球菌感染的牛群数量从33.3%到48%不等。一个畜群中的患病率从25%变化到46.2%,平均值为34.2%。显示每毫升血液的细菌载量与贫血严重程度之间存在显着相关性。当细菌负荷增加时,观察到红细胞数量,血红蛋白浓度和血细胞比容降低。通过比较实时PCR和显微镜下检查a啶橙染色的血涂片,表明实时PCR系统甚至可以检测出在显微镜检查中遗漏的潜伏性猪分枝杆菌感染。此外,未成熟的红细胞和Howell-Jolly抗体可能会导致假阳性结果。 LightCyclerReg。事实证明,MSG1协议是一种高度敏感且易于操作的系统,可以集成到常规实验室中。



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