首页> 外文期刊>Thrombosis Research: An International Journal on Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis >Treatment of haemophilia patients in East Germany prior to and after reunification in 1990

Treatment of haemophilia patients in East Germany prior to and after reunification in 1990


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The reunification of Germany in 1990 brought with it major challenges in terms of unifying the care offered to haemophilia patients. At that time, most of the treatment centres belonged to the largest regional hospitals. The centre for paediatric haemophilia patients in Leipzig was at the University Hospital. In this centre, early prophylaxis was offered to all patients with severe haemophilia A or B. For over 20 years, the treatments of choice in the German Democratic Republic were cryoprecipitate for haemophilia A and prothrombin complex concentrate for haemophilia B. Cryoprecipitate was relatively effective during minor surgery, in cases of mild to moderate bleeding, and for prophylaxis; however, unpleasant, relevant side-effects and hepatitis virus transmission were frequently encountered in clinical practice. Reunification coincided with the availability of virus-safe, high-purity plasma-derived factor VIII concentrates (e.g. Beriate~R P), which changed the outlook for patients in terms of convenience, tolerability, and virus safety; and these new products quickly became the treatments of choice for haemophilia A patients at the Leipzig Children's Hospital. Today, 20 years later, nearly all of the patients initiated on Beriate~R P at the time of reunification continue with that treatment, and are still benefitting from its excellent efficacy, tolerability, and virus-safety profile.
机译:1990年德国统一带来了统一血友病患者护理方面的重大挑战。当时,大多数治疗中心都属于最大的区域医院。莱比锡的儿科血友病患者中心在大学医院。在该中心,为所有患有严重A型或B型严重血友病的患者提供了早期预防措施。20多年来,德意志民主共和国选择的治疗方法是:A血友病为冷沉淀,B血友病为凝血酶原复合物浓缩物。轻度至中度出血并进行预防的小手术;然而,在临床实践中经常遇到令人不快的相关副作用和肝炎病毒传播。统一是在获得病毒安全,高纯度血浆衍生的VIII因子浓缩物(例如Beriate〜RP)的同时,从方便性,耐受性和病毒安全性方面改变了患者的前景;这些新产品很快成为莱比锡儿童医院A型血友病患者的首选治疗方法。 20年后的今天,在统一之时,几乎所有在Beriate〜R P上接受治疗的患者都继续接受该治疗,并且仍从其出色的疗效,耐受性和病毒安全性中受益。



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