
Pregnancy and travel-related thromboembolism


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Air travel is associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. The average risk in all travellers is not particularly high, but high-risk groups have been identified. One such high risk group could be pregnant women but no data are available on the exact magnitude of their risk. In this review we use results from studies performed in air travellers and pregnant women separately to estimate the risk of the combination, which leads to an estimated risk of 0.03-0.1%. Until real data are available, physicians will need to decide on a case-to-case basis how to prevent thrombosis in these women. In most passengers, prevention can be limited to encouraging exercise, and avoid prolonged immobilization through sleeping or taking a window seat. Women perceived to be at high risk (history of venous thrombosis, known thrombophilia or other risk factors for thrombosis) may benefit from a short period of LMWH therapy. ? 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:空中旅行与静脉血栓形成的风险增加有关。所有旅行者的平均风险并不是特别高,但是已经确定了高风险人群。这样的高风险人群可能是孕妇,但尚无确切风险水平的数据。在这篇综述中,我们分别使用对航空旅行者和孕妇的研究结果来估计合并的风险,这导致估计风险为0.03-0.1%。在获得真实数据之前,医生将需要根据具体情况决定如何预防这些女性的血栓形成。在大多数乘客中,预防措施可仅限于鼓励运动,并避免通过睡觉或坐在靠窗座位上长时间固定。被认为处于高风险(静脉血栓形成史,已知的血栓形成或其他血栓形成危险因素)的妇女可从短期LMWH治疗中受益。 ? 2013 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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