
Aprotinin restores the adhesive capacity of dysfunctional platelets.


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The post-operative coagulopathy associated with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is known to be predominantly related to platelet dysfunction. The use of the serine protease inhibitor aprotinin dramatically reduces CPB associated hemorrhage and is thought to act primarily through the inhibition of plasmin without directly influencing platelets. Our data indicate that there is a direct effect of aprotinin on platelet adhesion, which has not been previously reported. We found that when aprotinin was added to blood samples with poorly adhesive platelets, platelet adhesion significantly increased as measured by the percent coverage of denuded arterial segments in the Baumgartner perfusion chamber. In preliminary experiments using expired platelet concentrates or fresh whole blood, the addition of aprotinin induced a positive increase of 22+/-7.5 and 14+/-6.2 percentage point in platelet adhesion, respectively. A simulated CPB model that recirculated a unit of anticoagulated whole blood for 2 h was used (n=14) to induce a platelet adhesion defect similar to that seen in clinical CPB. At initiation of recirculation, platelet adhesion was 55+/-9.5% but dropped to 13+6.5% coverage after 2 h simulated CPB. The addition of aprotinin to the post-recirculation samples induced a significant restoration of platelet adhesion back to 38+/-11% coverage. When epsilon amino-caproic acid with soybean trypsin inhibitor was added to post recirculation samples, there was no similar effect on adhesion scores. To compare these findings with surgical CPB, we collected one blood sample at the beginning and two at the end of CPB from each of seven open-heart patients. Aprotinin was added to one of each of the post-CPB samples. Platelet adhesion at the onset of surgical CPB was only 39+/-11% in this patient group but dropped to 7+/-7% by the end. Similar to the model, the addition of aprotinin post-CPB restored adhesion to 29+/-11%. These results suggest some action of aprotinin other than its antiplasmin effect, and that platelet adhesion in general can be promoted by aprotinin.
机译:已知与体外循环(CPB)相关的术后凝血病主要与血小板功能障碍有关。丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂抑肽酶的使用可显着减少CPB相关性出血,并被认为主要通过抑制纤溶酶而起作用,而没有直接影响血小板。我们的数据表明,抑肽酶对血小板粘附有直接作用,这以前没有报道。我们发现,当将抑肽酶添加到血小板粘附性较差的血液样本中时,通过在鲍姆加特纳灌注室中裸露的动脉节段的覆盖百分比来衡量,血小板粘附性显着增加。在使用过期的浓缩血小板或新鲜全血的初步实验中,添加抑肽酶分别导致血小板粘附性分别增加22 +/- 7.5和14 +/- 6.2个百分点。使用模拟的CPB模型,将一单位抗凝全血再循环2 h(n = 14),以诱导血小板粘附缺陷,类似于临床CPB所见。在开始再循环时,血小板粘附率为55 +/- 9.5%,但在模拟CPB 2小时后覆盖率降至13 + 6.5%。在再循环后的样品中添加抑肽酶可导致血小板粘附力显着恢复至38 +/- 11%的覆盖率。当将ε-氨基己酸和大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂添加到再循环后样品中时,对黏附评分没有类似的影响。为了将这些发现与外科CPB进行比较,我们从7名心脏直视患者中分别在CPB开始时采集了一个血液样本,在CPB结束时采集了两个样本。将抑肽酶添加到每个CPB后样品中的一个。在该患者组中,外科CPB发作时的血小板粘附率仅为39 +/- 11%,但最终下降至7 +/- 7%。与该模型相似,CPB后添加抑肽酶可使粘连恢复至29 +/- 11%。这些结果表明抑酶肽除了具有抗血浆纤溶酶的作用外还具有其他作用,抑肽酶通常可以促进血小板的粘附。



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