首页> 外文期刊>Biological Psychology >Late positive potential (LPP) modulation during affective picture processing in preschoolers

Late positive potential (LPP) modulation during affective picture processing in preschoolers


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Research has demonstrated that late positive potential (LPP) is modulated by affective pictures in school-age children, adolescents and adults. However, little is known about such modulation in specific younger populations such as preschoolers. In this study, we examined whether LPP modulation during affective picture processing would also be observed in preschoolers as well as investigating the patterns of such modulation by using pictures which elicited emotional reactions of different valences. Twenty preschoolers (M age in months = 61.00, SD = 7.73) passively viewed pleasant, neutral and unpleasant pictures while their scalp event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded. Results showed that in preschoolers pleasant and unpleasant pictures elicited significantly larger LPP amplitudes than neutral pictures, and this affective modulation of LPP amplitude emerged in the posterior region and gradually extended to the central and anterior regions.
机译:研究表明,在学龄儿童,青少年和成人中,后期正电位(LPP)受情感图片的调节。但是,对于特定的年轻人口(如学龄前儿童)中的这种调节知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们研究了在学龄前儿童中是否还会观察到情感图片处理过程中的LPP调制,以及通过使用引起不同价态情感反应的图片来研究这种调制的模式。二十名学龄前儿童(M的月龄= 61.00,SD = 7.73)被动地观看了愉快,中性和不愉快的照片,同时记录了他们与头皮事件相关的电位(ERP)。结果表明,在学龄前儿童中,令人愉悦和不愉快的图片所引起的LPP幅度要比中性图片大得多,这种对LPP幅度的情感调节出现在后部区域,并逐渐扩展到中部和前部区域。



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