首页> 外文期刊>The Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference >Experimental Study of the Capacity of the Piles in Circular Rock-Filled Cages in the Kao-Ping River

Experimental Study of the Capacity of the Piles in Circular Rock-Filled Cages in the Kao-Ping River


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This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the capacity of circular rock-filled cages skirted group piles in the Kao-Ping River. The Bilice typhoon struck southern Taiwan on August 23, 2000. She brought heavy rain and it washed the piles of the Kao-Ping Bridge. On August 27, 2000, the Kao-Ping Bridge had a sudden settlement at pier P22. It caused the collapse of a 100m×20m reinforced concrete bridge deck down to the Kao-Ping River. A preliminary investigation found out that the PC piles capacity was not adequate. The exposure of the piles under the Kao-Ping bridge piers and abutments was the major cause. The Bureau of Highways of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has completed many foundation protective constructions such as circular rock-filled cages skirted around grouped piles. The experimental study includes the investigation of the capacity and the length of the grouped piles skirted by the circular rock-filled cages. The results indicate that the bearing capacity of the PC piles was not sufficient.
机译:本文介绍了对高平河中的圆形堆石笼裙式群桩承载力进行实验研究的结果。 Bilice台风于2000年8月23日袭击台湾南部。她带来了大雨,并冲刷了高平桥的桩。 2000年8月27日,高平桥突然在P22码头沉降。它导致了一个100m×20m的钢筋混凝土桥面板坍塌,直到高平河。初步调查发现PC桩的容量不足。主要原因是高平桥墩和桥台下的桩暴露。交通运输部公路局(MOTC)已完成许多基础保护性建筑,例如围绕成堆的桩堆砌的圆形岩石填充笼子。实验研究包括对圆形堆石笼围成群的桩的能力和长度进行调查。结果表明,PC桩的承载力不足。



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