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Mass, Speed,Direction: John Buridan's 14th-century Concept of Momentun

机译:质量,速度,方向:约翰·伯里丹(John Buridan)的14世纪动量概念

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"Modern science began in the Middle Ages," a fact that has been forgotten thanks to the celebrated accomplishments of Copernicus and Galileo, who did not acknowledge their predecessors. So states James Hannam in a January 2010 article in History Today. Among the scientists of the Middle Ages that Hannam mentions is John Buridan, a French thinker who was the first to develop modern concepts of inertia and momentum.~1 Buridan's work has been known to historians of science for decades~2 and remains a topic of discussion among them today.~(3,4) However, it is not well-known in physics circles,~5 although there was an American Journal of Physics discussion of Buridan 35 years ago as part of a history of inertia.~6 Readers of The Physics Teacher may find Buridan of interest both as a matter of history and because Buridan presents important physics ideas in a different sort of way, which may be of value in the physics classroom
机译:“现代科学始于中世纪”,这一事实由于哥白尼和伽利略的杰出成就而被人们遗忘,他们没有承认他们的前任。因此,詹姆斯·汉南(James Hannam)在2010年1月的《今日历史》中发表了一篇文章。汉南(Hannam)提到的中世纪科学家中,约翰·伯里丹(John Buridan)是法国思想家,他是第一个发展现代惯性和动量概念的人。〜1伯里丹的工作几十年来一直是科学史学家所知2,至今仍然是〜(3,4)然而,它在物理学界尚不为人所知,〜5尽管35年前美国物理学杂志对Buridan进行了讨论,作为惯性史的一部分。〜6读者的物理老师可能会发现Buridan既是历史问题,又是因为Buridan以不同的方式展示重要的物理思想,这在物理课堂中可能是有价值的



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