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Can a String's Tension Exert a Torque on a Pulley?


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Atypical textbook problem in rotational dynamics involves calculating the angular acceleration of a massive pulley due to a string, such as in the example shown in Fig. 1. The string is assumed to be massless and to move without slipping over the pulley, which is mounted on a frictionless axle. If T_L and T_R are the tensions pulling at the left and right edges of the pulley (see Fig. 1), respectively, the net torque on the pulley is then τnet = (T_L- T_R)R, where R is the radius of the pulley. (It is assumed that positive torque corresponds to the counterclockwise direction.) While this analysis, which is typical of what is found in many introductory physics texts,~1 is correct, it should raise several questions in the mind of a student. First, since most texts argue that the tension everywhere in a massless string is constant,~2why is T_L≠T_R? Second, since tension is an internal force (except at the ends of the string, which are obviously not tied to the pulley),~3 how can tension exert a force and torque on a pulley? In this paper, we will address these questions, which are overlooked in most textbook treatments of this problem whose approach appears inconsistent with the concepts pre-sented elsewhere in the text.
机译:旋转动力学中的非典型教科书问题涉及计算由于绳子引起的大滑轮的角加速度,例如在图1所示的示例中。假定该绳子是无质量的并且在滑移时不会滑落在已安装的滑轮上在无摩擦的车轴上。如果T_L和T_R是分别在皮带轮左右边缘上拉的张力(见图1),则皮带轮上的净转矩为τnet=(T_L_T_R)R,其中R是皮带轮的半径。滑轮。 (假定正转矩对应于逆时针方向。)虽然这种分析是许多入门物理学课中的典型分析,但〜1是正确的,它应该在学生的脑海中提出几个问题。首先,由于大多数文献都认为无质量弦中各处的张力都是恒定的,所以〜2为什么T_L≠T_R?其次,由于张力是一种内力(除了弦线的端部,显然不与皮带轮绑在一起),〜3张力如何在皮带轮上施加力和扭矩?在本文中,我们将解决这些问题,在大多数教科书中对该问题的处理中都忽略了这些问题,这些问题的处理方式与本文其他地方预先提出的概念不一致。



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