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The association between gall bladder mucoceles and hyperlipidaemia in dogs: A retrospective case control study


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The diagnosis of gall bladder mucoceles (GM) in dogs has become increasingly frequent in veterinary medicine. Primary breed-specific hyperlipidaemia is reported in Shetland Sheepdogs and Miniature Schnauzers, breeds in which GM are known to occur more frequently than in other breeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between GM and hyperlipidaemia in dogs. The study design was a retrospective case control study. Medical records of dogs diagnosed with GM at the Veterinary Medical Centre of The University of Tokyo between 1 April 2007 and 31 March 2012, were reviewed. Fifty-eight dogs with GM and a record of either serum cholesterol, triglyceride, or glucose concentrations were included in the study. Hypercholesterolaemia (15/37 cases; odds ratio [OR]: 2.92; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02-8.36) and hypertriglyceridaemia (13/24 cases; OR: 3.55; 95% CI:1.12-15.91) showed significant association with GM. Pomeranians (OR: 10.69), American Cocker Spaniels (OR: 8.94), Shetland Sheepdogs (OR: 6.21), Miniature Schnauzers (OR: 5.23), and Chihuahuas (OR: 3.06) were significantly predisposed to GM. Thirty-nine out of 58 cases had at least one concurrent disease, including pancreatitis (five cases), hyperadrenocorticism (two cases), and hypothyroidism (two cases). A significant association between GM and hyperlipidaemia was confirmed, suggesting that hyperlipidaemia may play a role in the pathogenesis of GM
机译:在兽医学中,犬胆囊黏液囊肿(GM)的诊断变得越来越频繁。在设得兰群岛牧羊犬和迷你雪纳瑞犬中报告了原种特定的高脂血症,这是已知与其他品种相比,GM发生频率更高的品种。这项研究的目的是评估狗中GM和高脂血症之间的关联。研究设计是一项回顾性病例对照研究。回顾了2007年4月1日至2012年3月31日期间在东京大学兽医医学中心诊断为GM的狗的病历。这项研究包括58只GM犬以及血清胆固醇,甘油三酸酯或葡萄糖浓度的记录。高胆固醇血症(15/37例;比值比[OR]:2.92; 95%置信区间[CI]:1.02-8.36)和高甘油三酯血症(13/24例; OR:3.55; 95%CI:1.12-15.91)显示显着相关性与通用。博美犬(OR:10.69),美国可卡犬(OR:8.94),设得兰群岛牧羊犬(OR:6.21),迷你雪纳瑞犬(OR:5.23)和吉娃娃(OR:3.06)易患GM。 58例患者中有39例至少并发疾病,包括胰腺炎(5例),肾上腺皮质功能亢进(2例)和甲状腺功能减退(2例)。证实了GM与高脂血症之间的显着关联,表明高脂血症可能在GM的发病机理中起作用



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