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The effect of colic on oxygen extraction in horses


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Blood oxygen transport and oxygen extraction were assessed in horses with colic. A gravity score (GS) ranging from 1 to 3 was attributed to each colic case with healthy horses used as controls. Jugular venous and carotid arterial blood samples were collected and concentrations of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, adenosine triphosphate, inorganic phosphate and chloride were determined. pH and partial pressures of carbon dioxide (PCO2), and oxygen (PO2) were also measured. Oxygen equilibrium curves (OEC) were constructed under standard conditions and oxygen extraction ratios calculated. Haemoglobin oxygen affinity measured under standard conditions (P50std) was unchanged in colic horses compared with healthy controls. Horses with the highest GS, i.e. 3 had lower blood pH values than healthy animals. Arterial and venous partial pressures of oxygen at 50% haemoglobin saturation (P50a and P50v) were significantly higher in horses suffering from colic (GS = 3) than in healthy horses. The oxygen extraction ratio was also significantly increased in colic horses with a GS of 3. A rise in the oxygen extraction ratio detected in the most severely affected animals seemed to reflect the compensatory properties of the oxygen transport system where extraction of oxygen from the blood increases when systemic oxygen delivery decreases, as might be anticipated in horses with colic.
机译:在患有绞痛的马中评估了血液中的氧气运输和氧气提取。重力评分(GS)介于1到3之间,归因于每例绞痛病例,均以健康马匹为对照组。收集颈静脉和颈动脉血样,并测定2,3-二磷酸甘油酸,三磷酸腺苷,无机磷酸盐和氯化物的浓度。还测量了二氧化碳(PCO2)和氧气(PO2)的pH和分压。在标准条件下绘制氧气平衡曲线(OEC),并计算氧气提取率。与健康对照组相比,绞痛马在标准条件下(P50std)测得的血红蛋白氧亲和力没有变化。 GS最高(即3)的马的血液pH值比健康动物低。在患有绞痛的马匹中(GS = 3),血红蛋白饱和度为50%(P50a和P50v)时,动脉和静脉的氧分压显着高于健康马匹。 GS为3的绞痛马中的氧气提取率也显着增加。在受影响最严重的动物中检测到的氧气提取率的上升似乎反映了氧气输送系统的补偿特性,其中血液中氧气的提取量增加当全身氧气输送减少时,这可能会在患有绞痛的马匹中出现。



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