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The grave of King Mgolombane Sandile Ngqika: Revisting the legend

机译:Mgolombane国王Sandile Ngqika国王的坟墓:复兴传奇

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King Mgolombane Sandile Ngqika led the Gaiga ama Rharhabe Xhosa in the Seventh to Ninth Frontier Wars and died during the Ninth Frontier War (1878) after being ambushed. Several legends surrounding the death of King Sandile exist, one of which states that his skull was taken to England as a trophy by Lieutenant Carrington. Historically it is known that King Sandile died of a gunshot wound to the trunk, and was buried at Izidenge, between two British soldiers. The present king wanted the grave investigated to confirm the identity of the individual buried here, and to establish whether the skull is present. The grave was excavated and the remains analysed in situ in 2005. Preservation of the remains was generally poor, but a skull and mandible were clearly visible. The skeleton was that of an older male individual of Negroid descent. The feet could not be observed, but the left tibia showed some abnormalities probably indicating weakness of the left leg. Historically it is known that King Sandile had a "withered left leg" and walked with a limp. All aspects of the grave and remains observed are consistent with known historical facts on King Mgolombane Sandile Ngqika and the manner and circumstance of his death and burial. There were no indications that this was not his grave, nor that he was beheaded and his skull removed. Several examples of trophy taking by British soldiers during the late nineteenth century exist. Although this was not the case with King Sandile, per se, the existence of the legend most probably indicates that this kind of atrocity was committed during the Xhosa Frontier Wars.
机译:Mgolombane国王Sandile Ngqika在第7次至第9次边防战争中领导Gaiga ama Rharhabe Xhosa,并在伏击后在第9次边防战争(1878年)中去世。关于桑迪勒国王之死的传说有很多,其中之一说卡林顿中尉把他的头骨作为奖杯带到了英格兰。从历史上已知,桑迪勒国王死于躯干的枪伤,并被埋葬在两名英国士兵之间的伊齐登格。现任国王希望对坟墓进行调查,以确认埋葬在此的个人的身份,并确定头骨是否存在。挖掘坟墓,并在2005年对遗骸进行原位分析。遗骸的保存情况通常较差,但头骨和下颌骨清晰可见。骨骼是Negroid血统的年长男性个体的骨骼。不能观察到脚,但是左胫骨表现出一些异常,可能表明左腿无力。从历史上已知,桑迪勒国王有一条“枯萎的左腿”,并且a行。坟墓和遗迹的各个方面与国王姆戈洛姆班·桑迪勒·恩奇卡(King Mgolombane Sandile Ngqika)的已知历史事实以及他的去世和葬礼的方式和情况一致。没有迹象表明这不是他的坟墓,也不是他被斩首并且头骨被移走。在19世纪后期,英国士兵拿到了一些奖杯。尽管国王桑迪勒本身并非如此,但传说的存在很可能表明这种暴行是在科萨边疆战争期间犯下的。



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