首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >A model for the preferential delivery of isoflurane to the spinal cord of the goat

A model for the preferential delivery of isoflurane to the spinal cord of the goat


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To identify the blood supply of the caprine central nervous system, six anaesthetised goats were perfused with coloured suspension into the brachiocephalic artery, the aorta, the iliac artery and the femoral artery. The subsequent distribution indicated that the brain and the main segments of the spinal cord were supplied by the brachiocephalic artery and aorta, respectively. Ten similarly anaesthetised goats then received emulsified isoflurane randomly via either the proximal part of the descending aorta (arterial group) or an ear vein (venous group). In the arterial group, the isoflurane partial pressure (P-iso) in femoral arterial blood was almost double the P-iso in jugular venous blood. The model showed that preferential delivery of isoflurane to the goat spinal cord in situ was possible and could be used for further research into the mechanisms of anaesthetic action, particularly factors affecting immobility



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