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Randomised, controlled field trial of two new techniques for the castration and tail docking of lambs less than two days of age


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Two methods to reduce the pain associated with the castration and tail docking of lambs with rubber rings were tested by 10 shepherds, each using 60 housed lambs. in 20 of the lambs the innervation to the scrotum, testes and tail was crushed with a 'Big Nipper' bloodless castrator, and in 20 local anaesthetic (2 per cent lignocaine with adrenaline) was injected with a newly developed high-pressure jet injector under the rubber rings after they had been applied; 10 lambs were given a placebo treatment and 10 were treated by the shepherds' routine elastrator ring procedure. Both new methods significantly decreased the incidence of limb and tail movement by 78 per cent and the time spent by the lambs in abnormal postures, when compared with either the shepherds' routine treatment or the placebo treatment. An experienced observer and most of the shepherds also assessed that the lambs suffered signficantly less pain when treated by the two new methods than when they were treated with rubber rings alone. No detrimental long-term effects of the two new methods were observed. on average the new methods took 68 seconds to apply, compared with 29 seconds for the rubber rings; of the two new methods most shepherds preferred using the pressure jet injector.
机译:由10个牧羊人测试了两种减轻与橡胶圈羔羊去势和尾巴靠码头有关的疼痛的方法,每个牧羊人都使用60只圈养的羔羊。在20只小羊的阴囊,睾丸和尾巴的神经被'Big Nipper'无血的cast割器压碎,并在20只局部麻醉药(2%的利多卡因和肾上腺素)下注射了新开发的高压喷射器。橡胶圈在应用后; 10只羔羊接受了安慰剂处理,其中10只接受了牧羊人的常规弹力环处理。与牧羊人的常规治疗或安慰剂治疗相比,两种新方法均能使肢体和尾巴运动的发生率显着降低78%,并使羔羊以不正常的姿势所花费的时间减少78%。经验丰富的观察者和大多数牧羊人还评估说,用两种新方法治疗时,羔羊的痛苦明显少于单独用橡胶圈治疗时的痛苦。没有观察到两种新方法的有害长期影响。平均而言,新方法的使用时间为68秒,而橡胶圈为29秒。在两种新方法中,大多数牧羊人都喜欢使用压力喷射注射器。



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