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Towards a unified view of bisimulation: a comparative study


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The realm of approaches to operational descriptions and equivalences for concurrent systems in the literature lead to a series of different attempts to give a uniform characterization of what should be considered a bisimulation, mostly in an algebraic and/or categorical framework. Meanwhile the realm of such approaches calls itself for comparison and/or unification. We investigate how different abstract characterizations of bisimulations are related. In particular, we consider the coalgebraic approach of Aczel and Mendler, the observation structures (Kripke structures) of Degano, De Nicola and Montanari, the algebraic approach of Malacaria, the domain theoretic view of Abramsky and the categorical setting of Joyal, Nielsen and Winskel. The framework of Aczel and Mendler turns out to be the most general one in the sense that the other approaches can be translated into it. These translations, where the relation between the categorical setting of Joyal, Nielsen and Winskel with the coalgebraic approach is the most complicated one, enhance the understanding of the different approaches and contribute to a unified view of bisimulation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 34]
机译:文献中对并发系统进行操作描述和等效处理的方法领域导致了一系列不同的尝试,它们给出了应该被视为双仿真的统一特征,主要是在代数和/或分类框架中。同时,这种方法的领域要求进行比较和/或统一。我们研究双模拟的不同抽象特征之间的关系。特别是,我们考虑了Aczel和Mendler的联合代数方法,Degano,De Nicola和Montanari的观测结构(Kripke结构),Malacaria的代数方法,Abramsky的域理论视图以及Joyal,Nielsen和Winskel的分类环境。从其他方法都可以转化为框架的角度来看,Aczel和Mendler的框架被证明是最通用的框架。这些翻译中,Joyal,Nielsen和Winskel的类别设置与合并代数方法之间的关系是最复杂的,它们增强了对不同方法的理解,并有助于形成统一的双仿真视图。 (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:34]



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