首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical chemistry accounts >Implementation of a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach in the parallel density functional program PARAGAUSS and applications to model copper thiolate clusters

Implementation of a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach in the parallel density functional program PARAGAUSS and applications to model copper thiolate clusters


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Based on the integrated molecular orbital and molecular mechanics approach, we constructed a combined quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method.. by combining the parallel density functional program PARAGAUSS with the MM3 force field. We examined different ways to describe link atoms at the boundary between the QM and MM regions which we tested successfully on various organic molecules. We applied the new tool, intended for the description of metal-ligand interaction, to model Cu thiolate clusters. Separation at the first C-C bond was favored over a transition at the S-C bond, closer to the metal particle. We successfully checked the effect of different ligand orientations on the cluster geometry by comparison with QM calculations. Hybrid calculations correctly described geometric rearrangements to avoid steric stress of larger ligands. Thus, the QM/MM approach is also applicable when direct metal-metal interactions have to be treated. [References: 74]
机译:基于集成的分子轨道和分子力学方法,我们通过将并行密度函数程序PARAGAUSS与MM3力场相结合,构造了组合的量子力学(QM)和分子力学(MM)方法。我们研究了在QM和MM区域之间的边界上描述连接原子的不同方法,这些方法已在各种有机分子上成功进行了测试。我们应用了旨在描述金属-配体相互作用的新工具来建模硫醇铜簇。与更靠近金属颗粒的S-C键之间的过渡相比,第一个C-C键处的分离更有利。通过与QM计算进行比较,我们成功地检查了不同配体取向对团簇几何形状的影响。混合计算正确描述了几何重排以避免较大配体的空间应力。因此,当必须处理直接的金属-金属相互作用时,QM / MM方法也适用。 [参考:74]



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