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A brave new world for psychology?


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Last year I had the pleasure of visiting Chile and spending a few days in the lAtacama Desert, in the high Andes. lTo deal with the altitude-induced lheadaches I used the local remedy of lchewing coca-leaves and drinking mate l(coca-leaf tea). Following the Spanish lconquest these local remedies were lbanned by the Catholic Church as being lheathen, though the ban was rapidly loverturned by the Spanish overlords as lit resulted in work productivity of the l'natives' declining! In 1961 the coca-leaf lwas again banned, despite there being no levidence of its being addictive or harmful, las part of the absurd 1961 UN Single lConvention on Narcotic Drugs. For most lAndean coca-leaf chewers the ban has lhad little impact, although in some places lthe coca-farmers have had their crops and llivelihoods destroyed as part of the US- ldriven 'war on drugs'.
机译:去年,我很高兴访问智利,并在安第斯山脉高处的拉塔卡马沙漠度过了几天。为了应对海拔高度引起的头痛,我使用了当地的方法来咀嚼古柯叶和喝水(古柯叶茶)。在西班牙人征服之后,这些当地补救措施被天主教会列为“异教徒”,尽管该禁令很快被西班牙霸主所爱,因为点燃后导致当地人工作效率下降! 1961年,尽管没有任何关于成瘾性或有害性的证据,古柯叶再次被取缔,这是荒谬的1961年联合国麻醉药品单一公约的一部分。尽管大多数地区的古兰经古柯叶被禁运,但禁令几乎没有影响,尽管在某些地方,古柯法农民的作物和生计被摧毁,这是美国发起的“禁毒战争”的一部分。



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