首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Mountain chickadees discriminate between potential cache pilferers and non-pilferers

Mountain chickadees discriminate between potential cache pilferers and non-pilferers


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Evolution of complex cognition in animals has been linked to complex social behaviour. One of the costs of sociality is increased competition for food which may be reduced by food caching, but cache theft may undermine the benefits of caching. In birds, sophisticated food-caching-related cognition has been demonstrated only for corvids and attributed to their highly social behaviour. Many non-corvid food-caching species exhibit similar complex social behaviour and here I provide experimental evidence that mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) adjust their caching strategies depending on social context. Chickadees were allowed to cache seeds in the presence of potential cache pilferer, either conspecific or heterospecific (red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis) and a non-pilferer (dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis) positioned at the opposite sides of the experimental arena. Available caching sites were either exposed to these observers or hidden from their view while the cacher could always see both observers. Chickadees chose caching sites that were hidden from direct view of the potential pilferers while caching in direct view of the non-pilferers. When no pilferers were present, chickadees made equal use of all available caching substrates and there were no differences in the amount of caching in the presence or absence of pilferers. These results suggest that (i) chickadees may be able to recognize potential cache thieves, both conspecific and heterospecific, and adjust their caching strategies to minimize potential cache pilferage and (ii) chickadees appear to discriminate between caching sites that can or cannot be seen by observers, which may allow them to control visual information available to potential pilferers.
机译:动物复杂认知的发展与复杂的社会行为有关。社会成本之一是对食物的竞争加剧,这可以通过食物缓存来减少,但是盗窃缓存可能会破坏缓存的好处。在鸟类中,仅对Corvids展示了与食物有关的复杂认知,这归因于其高度的社交行为。许多非弯曲的食物缓存物种表现出相似的复杂社会行为,在这里,我提供实验证据表明山雀(Poecile gambeli)会根据社会环境调整其缓存策略。允许山雀在存在潜在的同种异种或异种同种或异种(红胸五子雀,Sitta canadensis)和不盗窃者(黑眼的co,Junco hyemalis)的情况下cache种种子。 。可用的缓存站点要么暴露给这些观察者,要么从他们的视线中隐藏起来,而缓存器始终可以看到两个观察者。山雀选择了在潜在盗窃者直接看不见的情况下隐藏的缓存站点,而在非盗窃者直接看到的情况下进行了缓存。当不存在盗窃者时,山雀会平等地利用所有可用的缓存基底,并且在有或没有盗窃者的情况下,缓存量没有差异。这些结果表明(i)山雀也许能够识别同种和异种的潜在缓存小偷,并调整其缓存策略以最大程度地减少潜在的缓存盗窃;以及(ii)山雀似乎可以区分哪些缓存站点可以被或无法看到。观察者,这可以使他们控制潜在的盗窃者可获得的视觉信息。



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