
Rapid jamming avoidance in biosonar.


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The sonar systems of bats and dolphins are in many ways superior to man-made sonar and radar systems, and considerable effort has been devoted to understanding the signal-processing strategies underlying these capabilities. A major feature determining the efficiency of sonar systems is the sensitivity to noise and jamming signals. Previous studies indicated that echolocating bats may adjust their signal structure to avoid jamming ('jamming avoidance response'; JAR). However, these studies relied on behavioural correlations and not controlled experiments. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence for JAR in bats. We presented bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) with 'playback stimuli' consisting of recorded echolocation calls at one of six frequencies. The bats exhibited a JAR by shifting their call frequency away from the presented playback frequency. When the approaching bats were challenged by an abrupt change in the playback stimulus, they responded by shifting their call frequencies upwards, away from the playback. Interestingly, even bats initially calling below the playback's frequency shifted their frequencies upwards, 'jumping' over the playback frequency. These spectral shifts in the bats' calls occurred often within less than 200 ms, in the first echolocation call emitted after the stimulus switch-suggesting that rapid jamming avoidance is important for the bat.
机译:蝙蝠和海豚的声纳系统在许多方面都优于人造声纳和雷达系统,并且已经投入大量精力来理解这些功能所基于的信号处理策略。决定声纳系统效率的主要特征是对噪声和干扰信号的敏感性。先前的研究表明,回声定位的蝙蝠可能会调整其信号结构,以避免发生干扰(“干扰避免响应”; JAR)。但是,这些研究依赖于行为相关性而不是受控实验。在这里,我们提供了蝙蝠中JAR的第一个实验证据。我们为蝙蝠(Tadarida brasiliensis)提供了“播放刺激”,其中包括记录的六个频率之一的回声定位调用。蝙蝠通过将其呼叫频率从呈现的播放频率上移开来展示JAR。当即将来临的蝙蝠受到播放刺激突然变化的挑战时,它们的反应是将呼叫频率向上移动,远离播放。有趣的是,即使是最初在回放频率以下呼叫的蝙蝠也会将其频率向上移动,从而“跳越”回放频率。蝙蝠发出的这些频谱偏移通常在不到200毫秒内发生,这是在刺激开关发出后的第一个回声定位呼叫中发出的,这表明避免干扰对蝙蝠很重要。



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