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First trace and body fossil evidence of a burrowing, denning dinosaur


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A fossil discovery in the mid-Cretaceous Blackleaf Formation of southwest Montana, USA, has yielded the first trace and body fossil evidence of burrowing behaviour in a dinosaur. Skeletal remains of an adult and two juveniles of Oryctodromeus cubicularis gen. et sp. nov. a new species of hypsilophodont-grade dinosaur, were found in the expanded distal chamber of a sediment-filled burrow. Correspondence between burrow and adult dimensions supports Oryctodromeus as the burrow maker. Additionally, Oryctodromeus exhibits features of the snout, shoulder girdle and pelvis consistent with digging habits while retaining cursorial hindlimb proportions. Association of adult and young within a terminal chamber provides definitive evidence of extensive parental care in the Dinosauria. As with modern vertebrate cursors that dig, burrowing in Oryctodromeus may have been an important adaptation for the rearing of young. Burrowing also represents a mechanism by which small dinosaurs may have exploited the extreme environments of polar latitudes, deserts and high mountain areas. The ability among dinosaurs to find or make shelter may contradict some scenarios of the Cretaceous–Paleogene impact event. Burrowing habits expand the known range of nonavian dinosaur behaviours and suggest that the cursorial ancestry of dinosaurs did not fully preclude the evolution of different functional regimes, such as fossoriality.
机译:在美国西南蒙大拿州的白垩纪中叶Blackleaf组中发现的化石,首次发现了恐龙穴居行为的痕迹和人体化石证据。一个成年人的骨骼遗骸和两个Oryctodromeus cubeularis gen的少年。等。十一月在充满沉积物的洞穴的远端室中发现了一种新的hypholophodont级恐龙。洞穴和成年大小之间的对应关系支持Oryctodromeus作为洞穴的创造者。此外,直齿兽科的鼻子,肩带和骨盆的特征与挖掘习惯相符,同时保留了后肢的粗略比例。终生室内的成人和年轻人协会为恐龙提供了广泛的父母照料的明确证据。就像挖掘的现代脊椎动物游标一样,在Oryctodromeus中挖洞可能是对年轻人的重要适应。穴居还代表一种机制,小恐龙可以利用这种机制来开发极地纬度,沙漠和高山地区的极端环境。恐龙之间寻找或庇护的能力可能与白垩纪-古近纪撞击事件的某些情况相矛盾。穴居习惯扩大了已知的非禽类恐龙行为范围,并表明恐龙的粗略血统并未完全阻止不同功能机制(例如人工骨)的进化。



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