首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >The absence of sharks from abyssal regions of the world's oceans

The absence of sharks from abyssal regions of the world's oceans


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The oceanic abyss (depths greater than 3000 m), one of the largest environments on the planet, is characterized by absence of solar light, high pressures and remoteness from surface food supply necessitating special molecular, physiological, behavioural and ecological adaptations of organisms that live there. Sampling by trawl, baited hooks and cameras we show that the Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) are absent from, or very rare in this region. Analysis of a global data set shows a trend of rapid disappearance of chondrichthyan species with depth when compared with bony fishes. Sharks, apparently well adapted to life at high pressures are conspicuous on slopes down to 2000 m including scavenging at food falls such as dead whales. We propose that they are excluded from the abyss by high-energy demand, including an oil-rich liver for buoyancy, which cannot be sustained in extreme oligotrophic conditions. Sharks are apparently confined to ca 30% of the total ocean and distribution of many species is fragmented around sea mounts, ocean ridges and ocean margins. All populations are therefore within reach of human fisheries, and there is no hidden reserve of chondrichthyan biomass or biodiversity in the deep sea. Sharks may be more vulnerable to over-exploitation than previously thought.
机译:海洋深渊(深度大于3000 m)是地球上最大的环境之一,其特征是缺少太阳光,高压和远离地面食物的供应,这需要对生物的特殊分子,生理,行为和生态适应那里。通过拖网,诱饵钩子和照相机采样,我们发现该区域不存在或很少有软骨鱼类(鲨鱼,射线和美洲纲)。对全球数据集的分析显示,与骨鱼类相比,软骨鱼类的种类随着深度而迅速消失。鲨鱼在压力高达2000 m的斜坡上表现出明显的适应性,其中包括在掉食鲸鱼(例如死鲸)时进行的扫掠。我们建议高能量需求将它们排除在深渊之外,其中包括富含油的浮力肝脏,在极端贫营养条件下无法维持这种生命。鲨鱼显然被限制在海洋总面积的30%之内,许多物种的分布分散在海山,海脊和海洋边缘周围。因此,所有种群都在人类渔业的范围之内,并且在深海中没有软骨鱼类生物量或生物多样性的隐藏储备。鲨鱼可能比以前认为的更容易遭受过度开发。



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