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Viability costs of condition-dependent sexual male display in a drumming wolf spider


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According to the conditional handicap models females use male ornaments as honest signals of male viability. The assumptions for honest signalling are that the traits are costly and that they reflect male phenotypic condition, and hence optimal traitsize is largest in the most viable males. However, experimental evidence for the costs of signalling are scarce In this study we experimentally tested whether acoustic signalling, drumming, in a wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata is a condition dependent, costly trait, and thus offers an honest signal of quality to females. Males of this species court females by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen. Females prefer to mate with males of high drumming rate, but body mass of males does not affect female choice, We manipulated phenotypic condition of males by keeping them in high, intermediate and low food levels, Males in a high food level treatment maintained their drumming rate at a high level, while males with intermediate and low food levels exhibited a reduction in drumming rates. Thus, phenotypic condition of the males affects their sexual signalling. We induced another set of males to increase their drumming activity by presenting females in proximity. These males suffered higher mortality and lost significantly more weight than other males, confirming that drumming is costly. However, within the increased treatment group males that drummed most actively survived better than less active males. Thus, males vary in their ability to bear the costs of drumming, which suggests that drumming is an honest signal of male quality (= conditional handicap) for females.
机译:根据条件障碍模型,女性使用男性装饰品作为男性生存能力的诚实信号。诚实信号的假设是,这些性状价格昂贵,并且反映了男性的表型状况,因此最佳性状大小在最可行的男性中最大。但是,用于信号传递的费用的实验证据很少。在这项研究中,我们通过实验测试了狼蛛Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata中的声音信号传递,击鼓是否是条件依赖性的,昂贵的特征,从而为雌性提供了真实的质量信号。该物种的雄性通过用腹部鼓打干树叶来吸引雌性。雌性喜欢与高击鼓率的雄性交配,但雄性的体重不会影响雌性的选择。我们通过使雄性处于高,中,低食物水平来控制雄性的表型状况,高饮食水平的雄性保持了击鼓食用率较高的男性,而中度和低饮食水平的男性的击鼓率则下降。因此,男性的表型状况会影响其性信号。我们诱使另一组雄性通过靠近雌性来增加鼓击活动。与其他男性相比,这些男性的死亡率更高,并且体重明显减轻,这证明了打鼓是昂贵的。但是,在治疗增加的组中,打鼓最活跃的男性比不那么活跃的男性存活更好。因此,男性承受打鼓成本的能力各不相同,这表明打鼓对于女性来说是男性素质的诚实信号(=有条件的障碍)。



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