首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Nonlinear and correlational sexual selection on 'honest' female ornamentation

Nonlinear and correlational sexual selection on 'honest' female ornamentation


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Female ornamentation has long been overlooked because of the greater prevalence of elaborate displays in males. However, the circumstances under which females would benefit from honestly signalling their quality are limited. Females are not expected to invest in ornamentation unless the fitness benefits of the ornament exceed those derived from investing the resources directly into offspring. It has been proposed that when females gain direct benefits from mating, females may instead be selected for ornamentation that deceives males about their reproductive state. In the empidid dance flies, males frequently provide nuptial gifts and it is usually only the female that is ornamented. Female traits in empidids, such as abdominal sacs and enlarged pinnate leg scales, have been proposed to 'deceive' males into matings by disguising egg maturity. We quantified sexual selection in the dance fly Rhamphomyia tarsata and found escalating, quadratic selection on pinnate scales and that pinnate scales honestly reflect female fecundity. Mated females had a larger total number and more mature eggs than unmated females, highlighting a potential benefit rather than a cost of male mate choice. We also show correlational selection on female pinnate scales and fecundity. Correlational selection, equivalent investment patterns or increased nutrition from nuptial gifts may all maintain honesty in female ornamentation. [References: 45]
机译:长期以来,由于男性精心制作精美的装饰品,女性的装饰一直被忽视。但是,女性从诚实地表明自己的素质中受益的情况是有限的。除非装饰物的健身益处超过直接将资源投资到后代中获得的益处,否则不希望雌性投资装饰物。已经提出,当雌性从交配中获得直接利益时,可以选择雌性作为装饰来欺骗雄性有关其生殖状态的装饰。在飞舞的苍蝇中,雄性经常提供结婚礼物,通常只装饰雌性。有人提出,雌性的特征,例如腹囊和扩大的羽状腿鳞片,通过掩盖卵的成熟来“欺骗”雄性交配。我们在舞蹈蝇Rhamphomyia tarsata中对性选择进行了量化,发现在羽状鳞片上不断升级的二次选择,而羽状鳞片真实地反映了女性的繁殖力。交配的雌性比未交配的雌性有更大的数量和更多的成熟卵,这突出了潜在的好处,而不是选择雄性的成本。我们还显示了女性羽状鳞片和生殖力的相关选择。相关的选择,同等的投资模式或通过结婚礼物增加的营养都可以在女性装饰上保持诚实。 [参考:45]



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