首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Male coercion and the costs of promiscuous mating for female chimpanzees.

Male coercion and the costs of promiscuous mating for female chimpanzees.


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For reasons that are not yet clear, male aggression against females occurs frequently among primates with promiscuous mating systems. Here, we test the sexual coercion hypothesis that male aggression functions to constrain female mate choice. We use 10 years of behavioural and endocrine data from a community of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) to show that sexual coercion is the probable primary function of male aggression against females. Specifically, we show that male aggression is targeted towards the most fecund females, is associated with high male mating success and is costly for the victims. Such aggression can be viewed as a counter-strategy to female attempts at paternity confusion, and a cost of multi-male mating.
机译:由于尚不清楚的原因,在具有混杂交配系统的灵长类动物中,男性对女性的攻击频繁发生。在这里,我们测试了性侵害假设,即男性侵略会限制女性伴侣的选择。我们使用来自野生黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)社区的10年行为和内分泌数据来证明,性胁迫是男性侵害女性的主要功能。具体而言,我们表明,雄性侵略针对的是繁殖力最强的雌性,与雄性交配成功率高相关,并且对受害者而言代价高昂。这种侵略可以被看作是女性试图避免父子关系混乱的对策,以及多男性交配的代价。



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