首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Subjective life expectancy predicts offspring sex in a contemporary British population.

Subjective life expectancy predicts offspring sex in a contemporary British population.


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There is evidence that women who are in poor physical condition or who reside in deprived environments are more likely to give birth to daughters than to sons. Under deprived environmental conditions, or when in poor physical health, it has been hypothesized that parents should take into account the available resources and manipulate the sex of any children born. Using subjective life expectancy (SLE) as a measure of how an individual views their future health and environment, I demonstrate that there is an association between the sex of the first child and SLE in a sample of mothers from a contemporary British population (Gloucestershire, UK). SLE was a significant predictor of offspring sex: women who believed that they had longer to live were more likely to have had a male birth than women who thought they would die earlier. Detection of such a bias among the children of British mothers may provide evidence that the sex ratio under relatively affluent Western conditions can still be influenced by adverse environmental or poor maternal condition.
机译:有证据表明,身体状况不佳或生活在贫困环境中的妇女更容易生女儿而不是儿子。在被剥夺的环境条件下,或身体状况不佳时,据推测,父母应考虑到可用资源并操纵所生子女的性别。我使用主观预期寿命(SLE)来衡量个人如何看待他们未来的健康和环境,我证明在来自当代英国人口的母亲样本中,第一个孩子的性别与SLE之间存在关联(格罗斯特郡,英国)。 SLE是后代性别的重要预测指标:认为自己寿命更长的女性比那些认为自己会更早死亡的女性更容易生男性。在英国母亲的孩子中发现这种偏见可能提供证据,证明相对富裕的西方条件下的性别比仍可能受到不利的环境或不良的产妇条件的影响。



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