首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Two basic mechanisms in insect wing folding

Two basic mechanisms in insect wing folding


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Detailed comparison of patterns of folding in insect wings has shown that all those which fold transversely can be referred to two basic mechanisms, each consisting of four panels rotating hingewise about four folding lines, intersecting at a single point. The mechanisms, which have one degree of freedom, are in effect lever systems, whose velocity ratios change non-linearly as they operate. They are designated as 'Internal' (INT) and 'External' (EXT), and further specified by a plus or minus sign, derived from the convex or concave orientation of the folding lines. There are hence four possible combinations: INT --, INT+, EXT- and EXT+. The two types are kinematically distinct. As INT unfolds, the effector panels move slowly at first and acceleratetowards the end of the movement, whereas in EXT the effector panels move fast initially, then decelerate rapidly to their their final position. Furthermore INT operates reversibly, whereas EXT usually needs to be closed elastically, or by an extraneousforce, The principles of the two mechanisms are applicable to many other folding structures.
机译:昆虫翅膀中折叠模式的详细比较显示,所有横向折叠的模式都可以称为两个基本机制,每个机制均由围绕四个折叠线以铰链方式旋转的四个面板组成,在一个点处相交。具有一种自由度的机构属于有效杠杆系统,其速比在操作时呈非线性变化。它们被指定为“内部”(INT)和“外部”(EXT),并进一步由加号或减号指定,该加号或减号源自折叠线的凸凹方向。因此有四种可能的组合:INT-,INT +,EXT-和EXT +。这两种类型在运动学上是不同的。随着INT的展开,效应器面板首先缓慢移动,并朝运动结束加速,而在EXT中,效应器面板最初快速移动,然后迅速减速至其最终位置。此外,INT可逆地运行,而EXT通常需要弹性关闭或通过外力关闭。这两种机制的原理适用于许多其他折叠结构。



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