首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Neural control of the velum in larvae of the gastropod, Ilyanassa obsoleta

Neural control of the velum in larvae of the gastropod, Ilyanassa obsoleta


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Larval molluscs commonly use ciliated vela to swim and feed. In this study we used immunohistochemistry to demonstrate innervation of velar cilia and muscles by monoaminergic and peptidergic fibres in the caenogastropod, Ilyanassa obsoleta. Photoelectric recordings from pre-oral cilia on isolated pieces of velum revealed that serotonin increased, whereas catecholamines (dopamine and norepinephrine) decreased beat frequency at concentrations of 10(-6) to 10(-9) mol l(-1). Catecholamines also increased the frequency of momentary, isolated arrests of pre-oral cilia, but failed to suppress beating of the post-oral cilia at these concentrations. The neuropeptides, FMRFamide and Leu-enkephalin, did not affect the frequency of ciliary beating or of isolated ciliary arrests, but did induce numerous muscular contractions, which were accompanied by sustained ciliary arrests. In terms of whole animal behaviour, serotonin caused larvae to concentrate toward the top of a water column and to increase feeding, whereas catecholamines caused larvae to concentrate toward the bottom of a water column and decrease feeding. Monoamine analogues which facilitated or opposed the effects of synthetic transmitters on larval behaviour, further suggested that these transmitters are released endogenously to control velar function. Finally, applications of peptides to whole larvae caused increased frequency of locomotory arrests. Together these findings demonstrate several potential roles for the nervous system in controlling larval behaviour in gastropods.
机译:幼虫软体动物通常使用纤毛的天鹅绒来游泳和进食。在这项研究中,我们使用免疫组化方法证明了腔腹足纲Ilyanassa obsoleta中单胺能和肽能纤维对腓肠纤毛和肌肉的神经支配。口腔前纤毛上分离出的一片膜上的光电记录显示,5-羟色胺增加,而儿茶酚胺(多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素)在10(-6)至10(-9)mol l(-1)浓度下降低搏动频率。儿茶酚胺还增加了口腔前纤毛的瞬时,孤立的停搏的频率,但未能抑制这些浓度下口腔后纤毛的跳动。神经肽FMRFamide和Leu-enkephalin不会影响纤毛跳动或孤立性纤毛骤停的频率,但会引起许多肌肉收缩,并伴有持续性纤毛骤停。就整个动物的行为而言,5-羟色胺使幼虫向水柱顶部集中并增加进食,而儿茶酚胺使幼虫向水柱底部集中并减少进食。促进或反对合成递质对幼虫行为的影响的单胺类似物进一步表明,这些递质是内源释放的,以控制膜功能。最后,将肽应用于整个幼虫会导致运动性停搏的频率增加。这些发现共同证明了神经系统在控制腹足动物幼虫行为中的几种潜在作用。



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