首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Protective role of neuronal KATP channels in brain hypoxia

Protective role of neuronal KATP channels in brain hypoxia


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During severe arterial hypoxia leading to brain anoxia, most mammalian neurons undergo a massive depolarisation terminating in cell death. However, some neurons of the adult brain and most immature nervous structures tolerate extended periods of hypoxia-anoxia. An understanding of the mechanisms underlying this tolerance to oxygen depletion is pivotal for developing strategies to protect the brain from consequences of hypoxic-ischemic insults. ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channels are good subjects for this study as they are activated by processes associated with energy deprivation and can counteract the terminal anoxic-ischemic neuronal depolarisation. This review summarises in vitro analyses on the role of K(ATP) channels in hypoxia-anoxia in three distinct neuronal systems of rodents. In dorsal vagal neurons, blockade of K(ATP) channels with sulfonylureas abolishes the hypoxic-anoxic hyperpolarisation. However, this does not affect the extreme tolerance of these neurons to oxygen depletion as evidenced by a moderate and sustained increase of intracellular Ca(2+) (Ca(i)). By contrast, a sulfonylurea-induced block of K(ATP) channels shortens the delay of occurrence of a major Ca(i) rise in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. In neurons of the neonatal medullary respiratory network, K(ATP) channel blockers reverse the anoxic hyperpolarisation associated with slowing of respiratory frequency. This may constitute an adaptive mechanism for energy preservation. These studies demonstrate that K(ATP) channels are an ubiquituous feature of mammalian neurons and may, indeed, play a protective role in brain hypoxia.
机译:在导致脑缺氧的严重动脉缺氧期间,大多数哺乳动物神经元经历大量去极化,终止于细胞死亡。但是,成人大脑的某些神经元和大多数未成熟的神经结构可以耐受长时间的缺氧-缺氧。对这种对氧耗竭耐受性的潜在机制的理解对于制定保护大脑免受缺氧缺血性损伤后果的策略至关重要。 ATP敏感的K(+)(K(ATP))通道是本研究的好对象,因为它们被与能量剥夺相关的过程激活,并且可以抵消最终的缺氧缺血性神经元去极化。这篇综述总结了在三个不同的啮齿动物神经系统中,K(ATP)通道在缺氧-缺氧中的作用的体外分析。在背迷走神经元中,用磺酰脲类药物阻断K(ATP)通道可消除低氧-缺氧性超极化。但是,这并不影响这些神经元对氧耗竭的极端耐受性,这由细胞内Ca(2+)(Ca(i))持续适度增加证明。相比之下,磺酰脲诱导的K(ATP)通道阻滞缩短了小脑Purkinje神经元中主要Ca(i)升高发生的延迟。在新生儿髓样呼吸网络的神经元中,K(ATP)通道阻滞剂逆转了与呼吸频率减慢相关的缺氧超极化。这可以构成能量保存的自适应机制。这些研究表明,K(ATP)通道是哺乳动物神经元的一个普遍存在的特征,并且确实可能​​在脑缺氧中起保护作用。



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