首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Structural colouration of mammalian skin: convergent evolution of coherently scattering dermal collagen arrays

Structural colouration of mammalian skin: convergent evolution of coherently scattering dermal collagen arrays


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For more than a century, the blue structural colours of mammalian skin have been hypothesized to be produced by incoherent, Rayleigh or Tyndall scattering. We investigated the colour, anatomy, nanostructure and biophysics of structurally coloured skin from two species of primates - mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) and vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) - and two species of marsupials - mouse opossum (Marmosa mexicana) and wooly opossum (Caluromys derbianus). We used two-dimensional (2-D) Fourier analysis of transmission electron micrographs (TEMs) of the collagen arrays in the primate tissues to test whether these structural colours are produced by incoherent or coherent scattering (i.e. constructive interference). The structural colours in Mandrillus rump and facial skin and Cercopithecus scrotum are produced by coherent scattering by quasi-ordered arrays of parallel dermal collagen fibres. The 2-D Fourier power spectra of the collagen arrays from Mandrillus and Cercopithecus reveal ring-shaped distributions of Fourier power at intermediate spatial frequencies, demonstrating a substantial nanostructure of the appropriate spatial frequency to produce the observed blue hues by coherent scattering alone. The Fourier power spectra and the observed reflectance spectra falsify assumptions and predictions of the incoherent, Rayleigh scattering hypothesis. Samples of blue Marmosa and Caluromys scrotum conform generally to the anatomy seen in Mandrillus and Cercopithecus but were not sufficiently well preserved to conduct numerical analyses. Colour-producing collagen arrays in mammals have evolved multiple times independently within the two clades of mammals known to have trichromatic colour vision. Mammalian colour-producing collagen arrays are anatomically and mechanistically identical to structures that have evolved convergently in the dermis of many lineages of birds, the tapetum of some mammals and the cornea of some fishes. These collagen arrays constitute quasi-ordered 2-D photonic crystals.
机译:一个多世纪以来,已经假设哺乳动物皮肤的蓝色结构颜色是由不连贯的,瑞利散射或廷德尔散射产生的。我们研究了两种灵长类动物-山colored(Mandrillus sphinx)和黑长尾猴(Cercopithecus aethiops)-和两种有袋动物-小鼠负鼠(Marmosa mexicana)和羊毛负鼠(Caluromys)的颜色,解剖结构,纳米结构和生物物理derbianus)。我们使用了灵长类动物组织中胶原蛋白阵列的透射电子显微照片(TEM)的二维(2-D)傅里叶分析,以测试这些结构颜色是由非相干还是相干散射(即相长干涉)产生的。扁桃体臀部和面部皮肤以及阴囊头皮的结构颜色是通过平行真皮胶原纤维的准序排列相干散射而产生的。来自曼氏杆菌和蜡皮猴的胶原蛋白阵列的二维傅立叶功率谱揭示了在中等空间频率处的傅立叶功率的环形分布,证明了适当空间频率的基本纳米结构仅通过相干散射便产生了观察到的蓝色。傅立叶功率谱和观察到的反射谱伪造了非相干瑞利散射假设的假设和预测。蓝色Marmosa和Caluromys阴囊的样品通常符合在Mandrillus和Cercopithecus中看到的解剖结构,但保存得不够好,无法进行数值分析。在已知具有三色色觉的哺乳动物的两个进化枝中,哺乳动物中产生颜色的胶原蛋白阵列已经独立进化了多次。哺乳动物产生颜色的胶原蛋白阵列在解剖学和机械学上与在许多鸟类的真皮,某些哺乳动物的绒毡层和某些鱼类的角膜中会聚的结构相同。这些胶原蛋白阵列构成准有序的二维光子晶体。



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