首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Internal carbonic anhydrase activity in the tissue of scleractinian corals is sufficient to support proposed roles in photosynthesis and calcification

Internal carbonic anhydrase activity in the tissue of scleractinian corals is sufficient to support proposed roles in photosynthesis and calcification


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Reef-building corals import inorganic carbon (Ci) to build their calcium carbonate skeletons and to support photosynthesis by the symbiotic algae that reside in their tissue. The internal pathways that deliver Ci for both photosynthesis and calcification are known to involve the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA), which interconverts CO2 and HCO3-. We have developed a method for absolute quantification of internal CA (iCA) activity in coral tissue based on the rate of O-18-removal from labeled Ci. The method was applied to three Caribbean corals (Orbicella faveolata, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea radians) and showed that these species have similar iCA activities per unit surface area, but that S. radians has similar to 10-fold higher iCA activity per unit tissue volume. A model of coral Ci processing shows that the measured iCA activity is sufficient to support the proposed roles for iCA in Ci transport for photosynthesis and calcification. This is the case even when iCA activity is homogeneously distributed throughout the coral, but the model indicates that it would be advantageous to concentrate iCA in the spaces where calcification (the calcifying fluid) and photosynthesis (the oral endoderm) take place. We argue that because the rates of photosynthesis and calcification per unit surface area are similar among the corals studied here, the areal iCA activity used to deliver Ci for these reactions should also be similar. The elevated iCA activity per unit volume of S. radians compared with that of the other species is probably due to the thinner effective tissue thickness in this species.
机译:造礁珊瑚通过进口无机碳(Ci)来建立其碳酸钙骨架,并通过其组织中的共生藻类支持光合作用。已知为光合作用和钙化提供Ci的内部途径涉及碳酸酐酶(CA),该酶可相互转化CO2和HCO3-。我们已经开发了一种基于从标记的Ci去除O-18的速率来绝对定量珊瑚组织内部CA(iCA)活性的方法。该方法应用于三种加勒比珊瑚(Orbicella faveolata,Porites astreoides和Siderastrea radians),结果表明这些物种每单位表面积的iCA活性相似,但S弧菌每单位组织的iCA活性却高出10倍。 。珊瑚Ci加工模型显示,测得的iCA活性足以支持iCA在Ci转运中进行光合作用和钙化的拟议作用。即使iCA活性均匀地分布在整个珊瑚中,情况也是如此,但是该模型表明,将iCA集中在发生钙化(钙化液)和光合作用(口腔内胚层)的空间中将是有利的。我们认为,由于在此研究的珊瑚之间,每单位表面积的光合作用和钙化速率相似,因此用于传递Ci用于这些反应的iCA活性也应相似。与其他物种相比,S弧菌的单位体积iCA活性升高可能是由于该物种的有效组织厚度更薄。



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