首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Orthodromically and antidromically evoked local field potentials in the crayfish olfactory lobe

Orthodromically and antidromically evoked local field potentials in the crayfish olfactory lobe


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A local field potential, consistent in form and duration, can be recorded from the olfactory lobe of crayfish following electrical stimulation of the outer flagellum of the antennule. The field potential is reversibly blocked by perfusion of the brain with low-[Ca2+] saline or gamma-aminobutyric acid and, to a lesser extent, histamine. Paired shocks to the antennule and antidromic electrical stimulation of olfactory lobe output neurones also partially block the field potential. Comparing the field potential with simultaneously recorded intracellular responses of olfactory interneurones reveals a coincidence between excitatory and inhibitory effects in the interneurones and the appearance of identifiable components of the field potential. We interpret the held potential to reflect the response of neural elements in the olfactory lobe to orthodromic activity in the axons of the olfactory receptor neurones on the antennule, We conclude from the blocking experiments that the greater part of the field potential stems from neurones in the olfactory lobe that are postsynaptic to olfactory receptor neurones. As such, it provides a robust indication of olfactory neurone activity. [References: 46]
机译:在电刺激小肠外鞭毛后,可以从小龙虾的嗅叶记录形式和持续时间一致的局部场电势。通过用低[Ca2 +]盐水或γ-氨基丁酸和较小程度的组胺灌注脑可逆性地阻断了电场潜能。嗅觉输出神经元的触角对成对的电击和反电刺激也部分地阻断了场电位。将场电势与同时记录的嗅觉中性神经元的细胞内反应进行比较,揭示了在间质性神经元的兴奋性和抑制性作用与场电势可识别成分的出现之间是一致的。我们解释了所保持的电位,以反映嗅觉叶中的神经元对触角上嗅觉受体神经元轴突的正畸活性的反应。我们从阻断实验中得出结论,大部分的电场潜能来自于神经元中的神经元。与嗅觉受体神经元突触后的嗅觉叶。这样,它提供了嗅觉神经元活性的可靠指示。 [参考:46]



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