首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >The high aerobic capacity of a small, marsupial rat-kangaroo (Bettongia penicillata) is matched by the mitochondrial and capillary morphology of its skeletal muscles

The high aerobic capacity of a small, marsupial rat-kangaroo (Bettongia penicillata) is matched by the mitochondrial and capillary morphology of its skeletal muscles

机译:小型有袋类鼠袋鼠(Bettongia penicillata)的高有氧能力与其骨骼肌的线粒体和毛细血管形态相匹配

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We examined the structure-function relationships that underlie the aerobic capacities of marsupial mammals that hop. Marsupials have relatively low basal metabolic rates (BMR) and historically were seen as 'low energy' mammals. However, the red kangaroo, Macropus rufus (family Macropodidae), has aerobic capacities equivalent to athletic placentals. It has an extreme aerobic scope (fAS) and its large locomotor muscles feature high mitochondrial and capillary volumes. M. rufus belongs to a modern group of kangaroos and its high fAS is not general for marsupials. However, other hopping marsupials may have elevated aerobic capacities. Bettongia penicillata, a rat-kangaroo (family Potoroidae), is a small (1 kg), active hopper whose fAS is somewhat elevated. We examined the oxygen delivery system in its muscles to ascertain links with hopping. An elevated fAS of 23 provided a relatively high maximal aerobic oxygen consumption ((V) over dot(O2,max)) in B. penicillata; associated with this is a skeletal muscle mass of 44% of body mass. Ten muscles were sampled to estimate the total mitochondrial and capillary volume of the locomotor muscles. Values in B. penicillata were similar to those in M. rufus and in athletic placentals. This small hopper had high muscle mitochondrial volume densities (7.1-11.9%) and both a large total capillary volume (6 ml kg(-1) body mass) and total capillary erythrocyte volume (3.2 ml kg(-1)). Apparently, a considerable aerobic capacity is required to achieve the benefits of the extended stride in fast hopping. Of note, the ratio of (V) over dot(O2,max) to total muscle mitochondrial volume in B. penicillata was 4.9 ml O-2 min(-1) ml(-1). Similar values occur in M. rufus and also placental mammals generally, not only athletic species. If such relationships occur in other marsupials, a fundamental structure-function relationship for oxygen delivery to muscles likely originated with or before the earliest mammals.
机译:我们检查了有跳有袋哺乳动物的有氧能力基础的结构-功能关系。有袋动物的基础代谢率(BMR)相对较低,历史上被视为“低能量”哺乳动物。但是,红色袋鼠Macropus rufus(Macropodidae家族)的有氧运动能力相当于运动胎盘。它具有极强的有氧运动范围(fAS),其大型运动肌肉具有高线粒体和毛细血管容积。 rufus鼠属于现代袋鼠群,其较高的fAS不适用于有袋动物。但是,其他跳蚤有袋动物可能有较高的有氧能力。 Bettongia penicillata,一种鼠袋鼠(足类),是一种小型(1公斤),活跃的漏斗,其fAS有所升高。我们检查了其肌肉中的氧气输送系统,以确定与跳跃有关。升高的fAS为23,可提供青霉双歧杆菌相对较高的最大有氧耗氧量((V)超过dot(O2,max)。与此相关的是骨骼肌质量占人体质量的44%。取样十块肌肉以估计运动性肌肉的总线粒体和毛细血管体积。青霉双歧杆菌中的值与鲁弗氏梭状芽孢杆菌和运动性胎盘中的值相似。这个小料斗具有高的肌肉线粒体体积密度(7.1-11.9%),并且毛细血管总体积(6 ml kg(-1)体重)和毛细血管红细胞总体积(3.2 ml kg(-1))都很大。显然,需要大量的有氧运动能力以实现快速跳步中的跨步优势。值得注意的是,青霉双歧杆菌中(V)的点(O2,max)与肌肉线粒体总体积的比值为4.9 ml O-2 min(-1)ml(-1)。类似的值不仅发生在运动物种上,而且在红斑分支杆菌和胎盘哺乳动物中也普遍存在。如果在其他有袋动物中发生这种关系,则氧气向肌肉输送的基本结构-功能关系可能起源于最早的哺乳动物或在最早的哺乳动物之前发生。



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