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Physiological trade-offs in self-maintenance: plumage molt and stress physiology in birds


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Trade-offs between self-maintenance processes can affect life-history evolution. Integument replacement and the stress response both promote self-maintenance and affect survival in vertebrates. Relationships between the two processes have been studied most extensively in birds, where hormonal stress suppression is down regulated during molt in seasonal species, suggesting a resource-based trade-off between the two processes. The only species found to differ are the rock dove and Eurasian tree sparrow, at least one of which performs a very slow molt that may reduce resource demands during feather growth, permitting investment in the stress response. To test for the presence of a molt-stress response trade-off, we measured hormonal stress responsiveness during and outside molt in two additional species with extended molts, red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) and zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). We found that both species maintain hormonal stress responsiveness during molt. Further, a comparative analysis of all available species revealed a strong relationship between molt duration and degree of hormonal suppression. Though our results support trade-off hypotheses, these data can also be explained by alternative hypotheses that have not been formally addressed in the literature. We found a strong relationship between stress suppression and seasonality of breeding and evidence suggesting that the degree of suppression may be either locally adaptable or plastic and responsive to local environmental conditions. We hypothesize that environmental unpredictability favors extended molt duration, which in turn allows for maintenance of the hormonal stress response, and discuss implications of a possible trade-off for the evolution of molt schedules.
机译:自我维护过程之间的权衡会影响生活史的演变。覆盖物的替换和应激反应均能促进自我维持并影响脊椎动物的生存。在鸟类中,对这两种过程之间的关系进行了最广泛的研究,在季节性物种蜕皮过程中,荷尔蒙压力抑制作用被下调,这表明这两种过程之间存在基于资源的权衡。唯一发现不同的物种是岩鸽和欧亚树麻雀,其中至少有一个蜕皮非常慢,可能会降低羽毛生长过程中的资源需求,从而可以投资应对压力。为了测试是否存在蜕皮应激反应的权衡,我们测量了另外两种具有延长蜕皮的物种(红cross(Loxia curvirostra)和斑马雀(Taeniopygia guttata))在蜕皮过程中和蜕皮期间的激素应激反应。我们发现,这两个物种在蜕皮过程中都维持激素应激反应。此外,对所有可用物种的比较分析表明,蜕皮持续时间与激素抑制程度之间存在很强的关系。尽管我们的结果支持折衷假设,但也可以用文献中未正式讨论过的替代假设来解释这些数据。我们发现胁迫抑制与繁殖季节之间有很强的关系,证据表明抑制的程度可能是局部适应的,也可能是塑性的,并且对局部环境条件有反应。我们假设环境不可预测性有利于延长蜕皮持续时间,这反过来又可以维持荷尔蒙应激反应,并讨论了可能的权衡对蜕皮时间表的影响。



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