首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Flight performance during hunting excursions in eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae

Flight performance during hunting excursions in eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae

机译:埃隆埃诺拉猎鹰Falco eleonorae狩猎旅行期间的飞行性能

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Among birds, falcons are high-performance flyers, in many cases adapted for aerial hunting and hence suitable targets for investigating limits to flight performance. Using an optical range finder, we measured flight tracks of Eleonora's falcon (Falco eleonorae), a species breeding in the Mediterranean region and specialised for hunting autumn passage bird migrants, when commuting between their nesting colony and offshore hunting areas (straight transportation flight) and when searching for prey (transecting and searching flight). Airspeed during searching flight was significantly slower than during straight transportation and transecting flight, but there was no significant difference in airspeed between the latter two flight modes. Straight transportation flight was significantly faster than predicted minimum power speed. Also, during straight transportation flight, the falcons responded to head- and tailwinds by increasing their airspeed when flying into the wind. However, they did not show any significant airspeed adjustments with respect to the angle between the track and the heading, as would be expected in birds trying to maintain a constant track direction. Mean sustainable climb rate (during >=240 s) was 1.4+-0.31 m s~(-1) (mean +- S.D., N=13), which is rather a high rate for a bird the size of an Eieonora's falcon. The climb rate was used to calculate maximum load-carrying capacity and maximum sustained horizontal flapping flight speed. The mean wingbeat frequency during powered climbing flight was 4.68 Hz, which was used to estimate the mass-specific muscle work. When falcons were leaving the colony for offshore hunting, they gained altitude by slope-soaring when there was an onshore wind. We formulated a simple criterion for the required gliding-flight rate of climb during an initial slope-soaring episode when minimizing the energy cost of reaching a certain altitude far out over the sea (which is where the prey is to be found). This climb rate was 0.36 ms~(-1), and our observations indicated that the falconsexperienced climb rates above this value when soaring in slope-lift.
机译:在鸟类中,猎鹰是高性能的飞行者,在许多情况下,它们适合于空中狩猎,因此是调查飞行性能极限的合适目标。我们使用光学测距仪测量了Eleonora的猎鹰(Falco eleonorae)的飞行轨迹,该猎鹰是在地中海地区繁殖的一种动物,专门用于在秋季定居的鸟类迁徙时与它们的筑巢殖民地和近海狩猎区之间通勤(直运飞行),搜索猎物时(横切和搜索飞行)。搜索飞行中的空速明显比直线运输和横越飞行中的空速慢,但是后两种飞行模式之间的空速没有显着差异。直线运输飞行明显快于预计的最小功率速度。同样,在直行运输飞行中,猎鹰在迎风时通过增加空速来应对顺风和逆风。但是,它们没有显示出相对于航迹和航向之间的角度有任何重大的空速调整,正如试图保持恒定航迹方向的鸟类所期望的那样。 (> 240 s期间)的平均可持续爬升率为1.4 + -0.31 m s〜(-1)(平均值+-S.D.,N = 13),对于像艾奥诺拉(Eieonora)猎鹰大小的鸟来说,这是一个很高的比率。爬升率用于计算最大负载能力和最大持续水平扑翼飞行速度。动力爬升飞行期间的平均翼拍频率为4.68 Hz,用于估计特定质量的肌肉功。当猎鹰离开殖民地进行近海狩猎时,当陆上风吹过时,它们会通过斜坡飙升来提高高度。我们制定了一个简单的标准,用于在最初的斜坡飞升期间将所需的爬升飞行速率降到最低,从而将到达海上某个特定高度的能量成本降至最低(在该位置可以找到猎物)。该爬升速率为0.36 ms〜(-1),我们的观察表明,在斜坡抬升中,猎鹰经历的爬升速率高于该值。



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