首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >The role of orientation flights on homing performance in honeybees.

The role of orientation flights on homing performance in honeybees.


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Bees, like many other nesting animals, primarily use learned visual features of the environment to guide their movement between the nest and foraging sites. Although much is known about the spatial information encoded in memory by experienced bees,the development of large-scale spatial memory in naive bees is not clearly understood. Past studies suggest that learning occurs during orientation flights taken before the start of foraging. What honeybees learn during their initial experience in a newlandscape was investigated by examining the homing of Apis mellifera ligustica displaced after a single orientation flight lasting only 5-10 min. Homing ability was assessed using vanishing bearings and homing speed. At release sites with a view of the landmarks immediately surrounding the hive, '1st-flight' bees, tested after their very 1st orientation flight, had faster homing rates than 'reorienting foragers', which had previous experience in a different site prior to their orientation flight in thetest landscape. First-flight bees also had faster homing rates from these sites than did 'resident' bees with full experience of the terrain. At distant sites, resident bees returned to the hive more rapidly than reorienting or 1st-flight bees; however,in some cases, the reorienting bees were as successful as the resident bees. Vanishing bearings indicated that all 3 types of bees were oriented homewards when in the vicinity of landmarks near the hive. When bees were released out of sight of these landmarks, hence forcing them to rely on a route memory, the '1st-flight' bees were confused, the 'reorienting' bees chose the homeward direction except at the most distant site and the 'resident' bees were consistently oriented homewards.
机译:像许多其他筑巢动物一样,蜜蜂主要利用环境的视觉特征来指导它们在巢和觅食地点之间的运动。尽管对有经验的蜜蜂在内存中编码的空间信息了解很多,但对于天真蜜蜂的大规模空间内存的开发尚不清楚。过去的研究表明,学习是在觅食开始之前进行的定向飞行中发生的。通过检查仅持续5-10分钟的单次定向飞行后被置换的蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica的归巢,就研究了蜜蜂在新环境中的最初学习经验。使用消失轴承和归位速度评估归位能力。在可以看到蜂巢周围地标的发布地点,经过第一次定向飞行后测试的“第一飞行”蜜蜂的归巢速度要比“重新定向觅食者”更快,后者在此之前曾在不同的地点工作过测试环境中的定向飞行。与具有完整地形经验的“定居”蜜蜂相比,这些地方的首次飞行蜜蜂的归巢速度也更快。在远处,居住的蜜蜂比重新定向或第一次飞行的蜜蜂更快地返回蜂巢。但是,在某些情况下,重新定位的蜜蜂与常驻蜜蜂一样成功。消失的轴承表明,在蜂巢附近的地标附近时,所有3种类型的蜜蜂都向定向。当蜜蜂从这些地标的视线中释放出来,从而迫使它们依赖路线记忆时,“第一飞行”的蜜蜂感到困惑,“重新定向”的蜜蜂选择了向最远的方向,除了在最远的地点和“居民”之外。蜜蜂始终以回家为导向。



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