首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Cell volume regulation in proximal renal tubules from trout (Salmo trutta)

Cell volume regulation in proximal renal tubules from trout (Salmo trutta)

机译:鳟鱼(Salmo trutta)近端肾小管中的细胞体积调节

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Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following hypoosmotic stimulation was studied using videometric methods in isolated proximal renal tubules from trout (Salmo trutta), The relative tubule diameter increased by 132.0+/-4.8% (maximum swelling within 1 min at 15 and 25 degrees C and within 4 min at 10 degrees C) following a change from iso-osmotic (290 mosmol kg(-1)) to hypo-osmotic (160 mosmol kg(-1)) Ringer's solution. The tubule diameter subsequently decreased to approximately one-quarter of the maximal value. Ouabain (1 mmol l(-1)) reduced cell swelling and inhibited the RVD response by 28.0+/-10.5%. Furthermore, increasing the bath K+ concentration by 30 mmol l(-1) inhibited RVD by 76.5+/-3.6%. The K+ channel blocker quinine, but not Ba2+ (1 and 2 mmol l(-1)), significantly decreased the RVD response (by 25.0+/-5.4 and 72.3+/-5.1% at 0.1 and 0.5 mmol l(-1), respectively), Similarly, increasing the Cl- concentration in the bath from 47 to 102 mmol l(-1) induced a significant reduction (45.2+/-7.9%) in RVD. The RVD response was also markedly reduced (by 54.7+/-5.3%) by the Cl- channel blocker indacrinone (MK-196; 0.5 mmol l(-1)), but only marginally by 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB; 1, 5, 8 and 10 mu mol l(-1)). Addition of the K+/Cl- symport inhibitor furosemide (0.1 mmol l(-1)) resulted in a 39.8+/-3.9% inhibition of RVD. This inhibition could be completely overcome by simultaneous administration of 1 mu mol l(-1) tributyltin (anion exchanger) and furosemide. Chelation of either extracellular (1 mmol l(-1) EGTA) or both extra- and intracellular Ca2+ (1 mmol l(-1) EGTA, 10 mu mol l(-1) A23187) had no effect on this RVD process. Furthermore, as measured using the fluorescent dye Fura-2/AM, there was no increase in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration upon hypo-osmotic stimulation. Administration of the 5-lipoxygenase antagonist ETH 615-139 (20 mu mol l(-1)), however, induced a 60% inhibition of RVD. Simultaneous addition of ETH-615 and either the K+ ionophore gramicidin (0.5 mmol l(-1)) or the anion exchanger tributyltin (1 mu mol l(-1)) could not reverse the ETH 615-139 inhibition, Finally, administration of the cycloxygenase inhibitor indomethacin had only a small, but significant, effect on RVD. We conclude that RVD following hypo-osmotic swelling is in these cells a temperature- and ouabain-sensitive process that appears to be the result of K+ efflux through quinine-sensitive, Ba2+-insensitive K+ channels and Cl- efflux through an MK-196- and furosemide-sensitive Cl- conductance that is relatively unaffected by NPPB. This KCl efflux seems to be regulated by eicosanoids produced by the 5-lipoxygenase. Arachidonic acid metabolites from the cycloxygenase pathway are not involved in this process. Similarly, neither extra-nor intracellular Ca2+ appears to be important for the signalling of RVD. [References: 90]
机译:使用视频测量方法研究了鳟鱼(Salmo trutta)离体的近端肾小管中低渗刺激后的调节体积减少量(RVD),相对小管直径增加了132.0 +/- 4.8%(在15和25摄氏度下1分钟内最大肿胀)从等渗(290 mosmol kg(-1))变为低渗(160 mosmol kg(-1))林格氏溶液后,在10摄氏度下4分钟之内。小管直径随后减小到最大值的大约四分之一。哇巴因(1 mmol l(-1))减少细胞肿胀并抑制RVD反应28.0 +/- 10.5%。此外,将浴液中的K +浓度增加30 mmol l(-1)会使RVD抑制76.5 +/- 3.6%。 K +通道阻滞剂奎宁而不是Ba2 +(1和2 mmol l(-1))显着降低RVD反应(在0.1和0.5 mmol l(-1)时降低了25.0 +/- 5.4和72.3 +/- 5.1%分别),同样,将镀液中的Cl-浓度从47 mmol / l(-1)增加到RVD显着降低(45.2 +/- 7.9%)。氯通道阻滞剂茚可那酮(MK-196; 0.5 mmol l(-1))也使RVD反应显着降低(54.7 +/- 5.3%),但仅5-硝基-2-(3-苯基丙基氨基)苯甲酸(NPPB; 1、5、8和10μmol l(-1))。加入K + / Cl-交换抑制剂速尿(0.1 mmol l(-1))导致RVD抑制39.8 +/- 3.9%。通过同时施用1μmol l(-1)三丁基锡(阴离子交换剂)和速尿可以完全克服这种抑制作用。细胞外(1 mmol l(-1)EGTA)或细胞外和细胞内Ca2 +(1 mmol l(-1)EGTA,10μmol l(-1)A23187)的螯合对此RVD过程没有影响。此外,如使用荧光染料Fura-2 / AM测量的,低渗刺激后细胞内游离Ca2 +浓度没有增加。但是,使用5-脂氧合酶拮抗剂ETH 615-139(20μmol l(-1))引起RVD抑制60%。同时添加ETH-615和K +离子载体短杆菌肽(0.5 mmol l(-1))或阴离子交换剂三丁基锡(1μmol l(-1))不能逆转ETH 615-139的抑制作用,最后,环氧合酶抑制剂吲哚美辛对RVD的影响很小,但很明显。我们得出结论,低渗透性溶胀后的RVD在这些细胞中是温度和哇巴因敏感的过程,这似乎是奎宁敏感,Ba2 +不敏感的K +通道通过K +流出和MK-196-通过Cl-流出的结果。呋塞米敏感的Cl电导相对不受NPPB的影响。这种KCl外流似乎受5-脂氧合酶产生的类花生酸调节。来自环氧合酶途径的花生四烯酸代谢物不参与该过程。同样,细胞内外钙离子对RVD的信号传导似乎都不重要。 [参考:90]



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