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Human fist evolution: a critique


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There is a worldwide interest in the development of processes for colorants production from natural sources such as microorganism. The aim of this study was to optimize red colorants production by Penicillium purpurogenum DPUA 1275 and to evaluate the effect of pH, temperature, salts and polymers on the stability of these colorants. Under optimized conditions, a 78% increase in red colorants production was achieved. The best pH and temperature conditions were obtained at pH 8.0 and 70 degrees C, respectively. In the presence of salts NaCl and Na2SO4, both at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 M in Mcllvaine buffer (pH 8.0), the red colorants showed good stability. In the presence of both polymers polyethylene glycol and sodium polyacrylate, the red colorants kept their color intensity. Thus, this study presents characteristics of red colorants produced by P. purpurogenum that can be applied in different industries after toxicological examination
机译:从天然来源例如微生物生产着色剂的方法的开发引起了全世界的兴趣。这项研究的目的是优化产自青霉青霉DPUA 1275的红色着色剂的生产,并评估pH,温度,盐和聚合物对这些着色剂稳定性的影响。在最佳条件下,红色染料的产量增加了78%。最佳的pH和温度条件分别在pH 8.0和70摄氏度下获得。在Mcllvaine缓冲液(pH 8.0)中,当盐浓度为0.1和0.5 M的NaCl和Na 2 SO 4 存在时,红色着色剂显示出良好的稳定性。在聚合物聚乙二醇和聚丙烯酸钠的存在下,红色着色剂保持其颜色强度。因此,本研究提出了由紫脓杆菌产生的红色着色剂的特性,经毒理学检查后可应用于不同行业



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