
Small-Incision Lower Lid Entropion Repair: Description of a Novel Procedure


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A description of the small-incision entropion repair technique follows. The affected lower lid is infiltrated with local anesthesia. The margin is manually everted. A subciliary incision is made approximately 4 mm inferior from the lash line, extending horizontally for 10-15 mm along the central aspect of the lid (Figure). The skin is undermined inferiorly for 7-10 mm in a preorbicularis or postorbicularis plane. A base-up triangle of orbicularis muscle (8-10 mm wide base, 5-7 mm height) is excised, exposing bare septum. As a variation, the septum may also be excised at this stage, exposing retractors for plication. A single 6-0 polygla-ctin suture is woven through the 3 apices of the orbicularis muscle triangle. The retractors may also be incorporated in the suture pass through the lower apex. The suture purse-string is tightened and tied off. This maneuver will evert the central lid margin and draw it away from the globe slightly, which is the desired endpoint.


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